Chapter Eighteen

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It’s been a few days since the pond adventure. And slight chaos is raking through the house.

Tom has been locking himself up in his room for days now. The most alarming part being that he would even let Cosima in. Even though that’s where she’s slept since she moved in.

It upset Edd. And not just because of the constant meowing. He thought Tom was doing better and then boom. This happened. But why?

His first instinct was to ask Tord. They’ve clearly formed some type of bond now. He must have some clue why Tom is acting so strange.

“Nope, I have no idea why he’s acting like this,” Tord said, picking at something stuck in his teeth.

“Really? I mean, he’s acting like somebody died. Surely you must have some clue?” Edd pushed.

“Look Edd, if anything died, it was his mood. That’s all. I think he’s just having an episode. That happens to people like him. It’ll pass.” Tord said, looking at Edd.

“If you say so...”

Next, he asked Matt if he knew anything. Maybe Tom told him something at the park.

“Tom told me he was doing fine, if not well. I don’t know what’s happened.” Matt sighed.

“Me either, and Tord tells me it’s just a small thing we shouldn’t worry about. But I haven’t even seen him eat. He’s only left his room to go to the bathroom, and that’s it.” Edd rants.

“Maybe when we’re all sleeping, he eats. When he’s alone,” Matt says.

“Maybe, I just hope he’s not harming himself, or drinking himself dizzy,” Edd says.

“I haven’t seen him drunk in a while, actually. Kinda surprising.” Matt comments.

“I know. Which makes me more scared because what if he overdoes it out of desperation or something and we’re all locked out?” Edd worries. Matt puts his arm around Edd.

“Look, I think you’re worrying too much about this. We’re talking about Tom here. This isn’t new behavior in the slightest. I’m sure he’s gonna be fine.” Matt smiled.

“I just wish he would talk to me. Why won’t he talk to me?” Edd said.

“Probably because you’re taking this too seriously. Give it a few days and he’ll be doing better.”


Tom lay helplessly on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was trying to zone out. To distract himself from the overflowing dread.

I am losing control. He couldn’t stop repeating that in his head.

After consuming the fish, he spiraled. What was next or who? I know I would never hurt anyone, but not very long ago, I would say the same about that fish. How can I trust myself? I don’t want to hurt anyone.

He decided the best course of action would be hiding his emotions in his room. Alone and isolated.

He could calm down this way. And avoid hurting anyone. It was starting to get hard to ignore the meows and knocking. He felt sad he couldn’t let Cosima in.

But if he hurt her, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. So she wasn’t permitted to see him either. He hadn’t eaten either, and it was starting to get to him.

He thought it was kinda stupid because not eating would just make him more hungry, but he couldn’t fight the feeling that he shouldn’t eat.

He was starting to lose track of what day he was on. He was forcing himself to sleep for most of the day. Even though it hurt. It almost felt like an escape. In a way, it comforted him.

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