The New Kid

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It was September the 6th. School had just started. As Tyler wakes up, he realizes he's late. He quickly rushes out of bed and looks for something to wear. He decides to wear a simple white tee with black shorts. Tyler quickly puts on his shoes and ran to school since it was only 2 minutes away from him.


As I rush into school, the speakers immediately call my name. "Tyler Kenard, please report to Mr. McLean's office." I walk into the office to see someone new?? "Hey Tyler!" Mr. Mclean exclaimed as he motions me to sit on the chair next to the new kid. "So, Tyler. Since you know everyone and stuff I figured you could give Alejandro here a tour of our school!" Oh? His name is Alejandro? "Of course sir!" I say smiling awkwardly... I look at Alejandro and noticed he was looking at me. "Weird.." I think, but shrug it off.


I sigh dreading the fact that I am going to a new school. As I enter, I decide to go to the principal's office first. I'm welcomed by a loud and energetic man. "HELLOOOO THERE!! WHO ARE YOU?" I cringe. "My name is Alejandro Burromuerto! I moved here from Spain!" I see his smile grow. "SPAIN?! HOW INTERNATIONAL!!!!!" He laughs.. Ugh, what a weird man. "Anyways, Alejandro.. Since you're new here, we're going to get someone your grade to give you a tour!" He smiles. "Alright!" I say happily hiding my disgust. I watch him make an announcement on the speaker. He is asking for someone named Tyler Kenard. Interesting. Finally, when he gets here, my eyes widen. "HE'S A JOCK?!" I think to myself looking at the football in his arm. I sigh quietly. Jocks are always the worst. When he sits down, I notice he has a bright and sweet smile. Hm, maybe he isn't one of THOSE jocks? I mean, something about him stands out to me.


Me and Alejandro walk out of the office awkwardly. I ask him what grade he's in not aware he's literally in my grade. "I am in your grade, amigo! Grade 12, correct?" He says unimpressed. What the heck does amigo mean?? "Oh, alright.." We walk in silence until we get to the Highschool's floor. (Their school is from grade 7-12) "So, this is the gym, here's the cafeteria, uhm, and there's the science lab." I'm a bit anxious. This dude seems like he'd be my bully..! ...................... As we finish the tour, his homeroom teacher hands him his schedule. I notice I'm in 3 of his classes. I back away, realizing how weird it was of me to just look at his schedule with him. "Well, uhm, anyways... have a good first day I guess!.."

That tour was very, uhm... interesting.. Tyler seems like a nice guy though, I guess. I look at my schedule but then see his brown hair in my peripheral vision. I glance at him, but he notices and backs away. Whatever?  "Well, uhm, anyways... have a good first day I guess!.." He says as he runs away with untied shoelaces. I want to be his friend. Wait. I want to be his friend? Why? ... But, he seems sweet. Hm. I guess  I can attempt to start a conversation the next time I see him.


Tyler walks into school to be welcomed by a big wave. "Good morning, Tyler!" Alejandro says. "What's up, Al!" Alejandro's smile fades a little bit. "WELL- UHM. Anyways, I just wanted to ask if we could sit together during lunch!" Alejandro says with a smile on his face. "Of course dude!" Tyler exclaims.


The New Kid - Aletyler Where stories live. Discover now