A Night To Forget

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I wake up, realizing Tyler is still here. I check to see if he is still asleep. He is. I get out of bed and brush my teeth. 10 minutes pass and I start playing more video games till he's awake. More time passes and he's finally up. "Oh, mornin' Alejandro." He says as he rubs his eyes. "Good morning, amigo! Did you sleep well?" I asked him out of curiosity because José was being loud and annoying all night. "Yeah, I did, thanks for letting me come over!" I smile a bit. "It's no problem." ......................... "So, Tyler, do you want breakfast? I can whip up some pancakes." I ask. I'm pretty hungry myself. "Why not!" He says happily. I lead him downstairs to see both Carlos AND José in the living room! Oh my goodness. Here it comes. "Well well well, Al... Did you two sleep together?" He laughs. I blush out of embarrassment. "NO, JOSÉ! WE DID NOT!" I yelled. I look at Tyler to see his face red. "Tyler. Ignore him." I say flustered. "Uh, okay??" He looks concerned once again. "Let's just go to the kitchen," I say trying to avoid José and Carlos. We enter the kitchen and I make a few pancakes for the 2 of us. Not my brothers, I hate them. Well, I hate José.


Seeing Al do anything is so hilarious. I mean, cmon! He's a loser!! Anyway, it's so obvious he likes that dude he was hanging out with. He invited him over, they had a sleepover, and now he's making him pancakes?! Wow! Haha. I lean close to Carlos' ear. "They like each other," I whisper. He whispers back. "Or maybe Alejandro likes him? I don't think that guy seems interested in him." I look at Carlos unimpressed.


These pancakes Alejandro made are good! "Wow Alejandro, these are delicious!" I say already finishing my 1st pancake. "Thank you, Tyler." We smile at each other.............. An hour passes by. "Alright, I think I should go now! Thanks for having me over once again." I pick up my stuff. "Of course amigo! See you at school on Monday!" I leave his house. Feeling something weird. Why did I feel a little.......... Happy when his brother asked if I was his boyfriend.??? Um. Do I like Alejandro? What the heck? I only like girls? I think. Even if I do, it's not like he'd like me back.

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