Feelings For A Male..?

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Finally, classes are over. I walk to my locker and remember I'm sitting with Tyler during lunch. Wait. It's lunch right now. I grab $15 from my wallet and walk to the cafeteria. I see Tyler at a table with a bunch of jocks. Right.... He's those popular jocks. I mean, I know I'm popular too but that's for my looks. Tyler is pretty good looking too but people focus more on his skills with sports. I cringe at the thought sitting with all of those guys. How could Tyler handle their abnormally loud voices and horrible personalities? I shrug it off and walk up to Tyler. I bend down and put my mouth close to his ear "Hey, Tyler, would you like to go to the plaza with me?" Tyler whispers back "Sure dude! Can I bring my bro's Geoff, Brody, and—" I cut him off "Uh, no offence but I assumed it was just going to be us." Tyler understands and excuses himself to his friends to go with me. We leave the school and walk to the plaza which is not too far from the school.


While me and Alejandro were walking, I couldn't help but stare at him. Not in like, a weird way or anything. I just couldn't help but notice his big green eyes. He must have good genetics. I smile while daydreaming me and my bros winning the football tournament. But, I was interrupted. "Tyler? What are you smiling for?" Alejandro says as he giggles. "Oh- uh, nothing!" I get embarrassed. "Alejandro then pats my back acting like he understands. I blush a little. Wait.. Why did I blush? WHY DID I BLUSH AT A BOY PATTING MY BACK?!? I only like girls. I zone out once again. "Amigo? We're here. Let's get our food quickly!" I apologize and we run into this fast food place. We get our food quickly just like Alejandro suggested. We then run to our school since we both want to sit at a table. We then decide to just sit at an empty one. Just the two of us. Just two guys. Guys that DO NOT have feelings for each other. I think. As I eat my burger I couldn't help but feel someone looking at me. I look up and see Alejandro staring at me. Again! This is awkward.


As soon as Tyler finished his food, he immediately got up and left with his face left red. He's confused. Does he like Alejandro? Or is it just ... lust..? 😓 No that's fucking weird. Tyler doesn't like boys! Or does he?.. Alejandro had realized Tyler left so fast because he was staring at him! He then assumed Tyler knows he has feelings for him. Alejandro gets a bit worried.

(btw idk if I'll be doing smut. If I do, I'll make it so it's when they were 19-20. Because making them have sex as high schoolers is weird 🌚.)

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