Chapter 24 • The Proposals

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a/n :)
hey guys! so this is kinda a funky chapter, its not really gonna have timelines, like its about the dance and stuff, like pre-homecoming oh by the way if you dont know what homecoming is, its like a dance (if you couldn't tell already:) ) anyways!!!!!! its about the losers asking/ getting asked to the dance, its like a filler, so this all takes place in September 1993, and the only things changing are the POV's, i think ill have it go from bev, and then later on have it be stan SOOOOO lets get on with it!!


Bev's POV.

We're walking on the beach, hand in hand. It's a cloudy day, but still fairly warm.

I'm wearing one of Bens flannel shirts. He gave it to me one time before we started dating because he said it looked cute on me and that I could keep it. It smells like him, raspberries and old textbooks.

He's so adorable. He's fidgeting with his zipper on his red and black windbreaker, talking about the book he finished last night.

We stop walking for a second, and he lets go of my hand. He's digging through his backpack carefully, and pulls out roses. I don't count them, not yet, but it looked more than a dozen.

He stand up and looks at me, his eyes full of heart and kindness, love.

"Beverly. You're a beautiful person. I don't know  how I got so lucky to have you to myself, let alone in my life. You're my safe space, the girl I want to be around every second of  every day. I love you. I know we haven't said those words yet, but it's true, and I can't help it. I've loved you since our second date. You had held the door open and helped that old lady find her table, which her husband was waiting at, and I like to think that that'll he us someday. I realized, in that moment, how you had such a heart for helping others, loving others. It made me fall in love with you.

I fall in love with you again every single day."

He pauses. I have tears in my eyes and I could start sobbing. I want this boy to wife me up when we're older.

"Ben, my lovely, I love you so fucking much. You have no idea, I love you I love you I love you. I don't care who hears it, because I love you!"

Ben smiles so wide. It's contagious, and I smile even wider than before.

"Beverly, will you go to homecoming with me?"

"Yes! Of course I will."

"One more thing. I have roses for you. 17. One for every month we've been together. You hold a special spot in my heart, you always will."

By now, I have tears running down my face, but I don't care. I love him, so much, and he knows it. I grab the flowers and wrap my arms around him, and rest my head in the crook of his neck.

And we stay like that for a while, wrapped up in each others arms so intimately, nothing could tear us apart, not even if the ground started crumbling beneath us.

I'm happy. I'm insanely, stupidly happy, and I never want it to end.


Richie's POV.

I walk into the house, the breezy, September air following me through the open screen window. It's a sunny day, but the sun us canceled out by the briskness that blows the trees. I just got back from hanging out with Bill and Eddie.

I go to the kitchen, where I see Emma and Oakley sitting criss-cross applesauce facing each other on the kitchen counter. They were trying to throw marshmallows into each others mouths, laughing with no other care, like it was only them two for the rest of time.

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