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disclaimers: I don't own ggbb and I seriously need June to hurry tf up bcs I want to turn 15 already.

amaris couldn't wipe the wide smile that had settled on her face, no doubt she looked like the cheshire cat her entire walk to the reynolds house, but she didn't give a damn because ravi- her ravi- had inadvertently told her he loved her. God she couldn't be happier, it felt like a fever dream- it was not, she had bruised herself from pinching to make sure.
ravi loved her. ravi the singh boy that she had completely fallen for, the singh boy that was perfect in every way, the singh boy that she wasn't quite sure why he wanted to be with her.
ofcourse the thought that he hadn't meant it like that crossed her mind but she pushed that thought away because his actions always seemed to prove that thought wrong. was it really possible that ravi singh loved her.
amaris knew she wasn't ugly or anything but she never held her beauty to be over any of her other friends because in her mind she wasn't prettier than pip, or cara, or lauren. but still amaris thought she was pretty enough, she wasn't unconfident there she lacked confidence in her personality and talents. amaris never got good enough grades to get a scholarship and she was quick to anger when someone she loved was brought up, the only thing amaris had to show for was her love for her art, her family, and her ravi.
and her ravi had basically told her he loved her.
amaris sighed as she walked up to the reynolds door, the grim reality of the whole situation finally hitting and ridding her estatic smile from her face.
gulping she lifts her fist to knock lightly on the door, less than a minute later the door swung open to reveal conner.
"hi, sorry I'm a little late I was at ravis."
"no it's fine pip just got her a couple minutes ago. and i want to thank you for helping investigate this mari."
"it's nothing conner, really." amaris mumbles stepping inside and following him to the kitchen where pip and conners mom, joanna, sat. after brief hellos were exchanged amaris took the seat next to pip.
"if your asking us to investigate this, to help find jamie, we have to agree upfront where this could potentially take us and you need to be happy to accept that or we can’t do it." pip pauses to clear her throat, "it might lead us to potentially unsavoury things about jamie, things that might be embarrassing or harmful, for you and him. secrets he might have kept from you and wouldn’t want exposed. i agree that releasing the investigation for our podcast is the fastest way to get media attention for jamie’s disappearance, bring in witnesses who might know something. it might even get jamie’s attention if he really has just left, and bring him back. but with that, you have to accept that your private lives will be laid bare. nothing will be off-the-record, and that can be hard to deal with." pip explains and amaris nods, the comments on the podcast were somewhere that amaris wanted to be far away from, not only would there be hateful comments but there were rape and death threats.
"jamie isn’t here to agree to this, so you need to accept, for him and yourselves, that you’re opening up your lives to be scrutinized and when we start digging, it’s possible you’ll learn things you never would have wanted to know. that’s what happened last time, so I . . . we just want to check you’re ready for that." amaris finishes for her sister.
"i accept," joanna didnt hesitate to reply, "anything. anything to get him home."
connor nods, agreeing with his mother. "i agree. we have to find him."
"ok, good," pip mumbles, sending them a reassuring nod though amaris was sure she was thinking about something, but before amaris could question her sister the front door opened and heavy footsteps along with the rustling of a bag could be heard.
amaris flinches as joanna jumps up, her chair screeching against the tiles.
"jamie?" joannas voice was desperate, "jamie?"
"just me," a male voice said and joanna deflated, her shoulders slumping and her face falling. arthur reynolds came into view as he continued to speak, "got more bread and – for goodness sake, joanna," he cut himself off when he spotted amaris and pip. "this is ridiculous." arthur dropped the shopping bag while shaking his head, "i’m going to watch tv," he turned and marched out of the kitchen the door slamming behind him.
"i’m sorry, guys. i’m sure he’ll come round. eventually." joanna says, sitting back down.
"should we . . .should we be here?" pip questions as she looks at where arthur just was.
"yes. finding jamie is more important than my husband’s anger." joanna answers firmly
"are you-" amaris is cut off by conners mom.
"i’m sure," she nods.
"all right. i need you to sign release forms before we begin." pip stands carter and joanna the forms and as they read through it pip sets the microphone and audio recorder up.
"joanna, we’ll interview you first, if that’s ok?" amaris says taking the forms from Conner and his mother.
"sure." joanna agrees.
"connor, you have to leave. witnesses must be interviewed separately, so they aren’t influenced by anyone else’s account." pip says gently.
"right. got it, i’ll go upstairs, keep trying jamie’s number." Conner stands up.
"okay." amaris smiles reassuringly as Conner leaves the kitchen
"we're going to ask you questions about yesterday, try to create a timeline of jamie’s day. but we’ll also ask about jamie in recent weeks, in case anything is relevant."
"just answer as truthfully as you can." amaris adds to pips words.
"are you ready?" pip asks and joanna nods.
pips finger hovers over the record button on her computers audio recording app and she looks over at amaris. silently asking her a question, asking if she was sure, if they should really go through with it.
amaris chews her lip as she nods, watching how pip relaxed some. her body now less tense while she smiles a little at amaris, letting the vat of worry disapate because it would be okay if amaris agreed to this then it would be okay.

pip trusted her sister fully and so far amaris had never let her down, she knew this time wouldn't be the time she did.

so sorry I haven't been updating I was reading trorp and literally rn as I'm writing this we're on the road heading back to our home state for the weekend/week. (we're in texas rn cause of my mom's boyfriends job)

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