Chapter 42. Confrontation

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Hello (again)! This is our BONUS chapter/update for this week's "Comment Challenge."

More Bonus Chapters will be unlocked as the Challenge continues.

Comment and share your thoughts.
Happy Reading


"Care to tell me what's going on with you now?"

Snape watched Olivia wipe her sweaty palms on her skirt and gave him a rather feeble gaze. She had escaped his interrogation and coaxing, but not for long. She almost groaned impatiently at him, her scheming attitude on the loose. Upon seeing his critical face, Olivia looked wounded.

"I'm just like you," she said to him in a low-suffering voice.

"And what similarity are you talking about?" he didn't mean to say that statement. He really wanted to say, "Enough of this nonsense and get on with it," but he knew he couldn't say that. He'll only push her away further.

"Listening to people's thoughts without their accord is a crime, Professor. It is a prized ability yet a dangerous and devastating one. " If he was getting irritated by the slowness of the conversation, she got deeply annoyed by his tone. How very nice of him to talk to her like that.

"How devastating can it be? You can convey and reveal every secret a person keeps even his most guarded one. " Snape was alarmed at this but tried to sound calm. So, she knew of his Legilimency ability.

"Indeed, as glorious as it sounds, you can obtain any information you desire to take, but seeing the people whom you trust the most lying to you would not make you feel resplendent with yourself, especially if that person is the woman you love" she looked at him for the very first time after what happened to the both of them in the room.

Snape's eyes blackened with anger, and his countenance held an odd expression. She didn't care if he was livid. Who cares about him anyway?

"Just like you, I am not like any other witch or wizard. I am an Auctorite. " she shut her eyes upon saying the word "Auctorite. " She was hesitant to look at him again, for she knew he had every knowledge of what an Auctorite was.

"Auctoracy? How?" Snape had his full attention to her now. He knows what kind of magic the girl has, but maybe he just misunderstood her and heard it incorrectly. No, it can't be.

Auctoracy was a form of ancient magic that resembles Parseltongue. It is passed through blood and can never be learned or acquired as a skill. An Auctorite can sense one's magic without their knowledge through touch. They can spot a person's magic from a distance if they have access to that person's target. He/she can see how and who performed the magic if they so desire to know. The darkest ability of an Auctorite is to absorb and sometimes also remove the memories, physical strength, and superpowers of anyone he/she touches voluntarily. Therefore, the powers of an Auctorite can be considered as a curse.

"The last person ever rumoured to be an Auctorite is..."

"...Ravenclaw." Olivia finished his sentence for him. " The legends did not lie when they said that she was intelligent in every single area in the world. But her wisdom only made her hunger of knowledge augment. Her famous diadem is a collection of exceptional witches and wizards she took to achieve the validation she wanted for a long time."

"To be the wisest of them all," Snape spoke at last. Her eyes didn't falter as they shared a much-needed gaze.

"It's a funny thing. The wizarding world thinks Salazar Slytherin as the evilest among the four. Honestly, almost all of them hid the darkest secrets and motives a person could ever think of having."

He nodded at the girl's words and leaned closer to her. "Gryffindor made a pact with the goblins but betrayed them. He aspired to be the most invincible living creature. Nothing but an absurd dream." He scoffed at his own words, and she smiled at him.

"Well, Hufflepuff never did anything vile. Well, not intentionally. " she looked at her hands and noticed that no matter how many times she wiped her hands to her skirt, they seemed to be sweaty all the time.

"Oh yes, she only tried to turn every living creature in the planet as plant hybrids to save the Earth." she giggled at his response and shook her head slowly.

"She did, but she stopped her plan because Ravenclaw and Gryffindor swayed her not to do it. She gave up, eventually. " she smiled at him wholeheartedly, and he looked confused at that gesture.

"All the successful people engaged to dark acts in able to reach their goals. Maybe that's how the world works. " Snape tried to forget her smile, but his mind wouldn't allow him to.

"But you know what is funnier, Professor?" she spoke playfully at him, making him raise an eyebrow. He knew she was teasing her, but he was suddenly okay with it. Her anger was diminished after a small talk. He was a little relieved to see her this way.

"And what is even more funnier, Ms. O'Brien?"

"When a Slytherin falls in love with a Gryffindor," Snape's jaw grew rigid and couldn't talk anymore. She laughed at him when she saw his reaction. She felt a little disappointed when he returned to resumed his formalities, but she made sure he wouldn't know it.

"You see, A Gryffindor is a hopeless romantic who shows her emotions openly while a Slytherin self-preserved person who couldn't even push himself to confess his feelings because his pride is higher than highest mountain on Earth. If she tries to hide her feelings, you can easily see it because she fails miserably. But then,  it is more possible for a Slytherin to fight off a hundred dementors at once than simply say,'I love you.' "

"This is highly inappropriate, Ms. O'Brien. It would be best if you'd pursue this topic no more. " he was back from being the snarky, cruel Professor, and Olivia fathomed this quickly.

"There's a reason why Dumbledore sent me to come with you. I can help. I can try to find the culprit behind these attacks. " Snape nodded and already contemplated that idea before she could even word it.

"We have to go. We already spent too much time resting." it was her turn to nod, and they instantly stood to go to the Conference Hall. They have to meet the persons who have relevant positions for the matter at hand.

They left the gardens of Ilvermorny, and for a brief moment, Snape recalled a certain young witch who captured his heart before he could go to the battle.

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