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The final chapter ....


3:42 PM (📍The lake)

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3:42 PM (📍The lake)

I'm in the car with dd and he brought us back to the same lake from 2 days before. It was so prettier out at night but it was coo

For our 'engagement' our other trouble makers thought we celebrate so dd thought maybe we should fish or even swim in the lake but he said it would be fun.

We previously went to target and also brought water balloons and guns to have a little more fun.

We pulled up and set up a blanket and some snacks in the same place we were in before, and the other knuckle heads arrived in time bringing more unnecessary junk.

Ddot bring an extremely large bag of food and a big ass speaker rolling it behind him like a suitcase. Notti brought fishing gear and lighter fluid..? from their house.

"Omggg I'm so happy for yall!!" Riya said hugging me and Mari did the same. They were all in their bikinis lookin too tea. "Thank yall so much" I dramatically wiped an invisible tear from my eye.

"Lowk I'm ready to fish." Dd said standing there like someone's dad with his wife beater tucked in his boxers. "Shid come on den. Oh wassup sis I can officially call you that now since you and dd married or whatever" Notti said grabbing the gear and hugging me before they walked to the dock.

"Oh yeah, and no babies." Ddot said while smacking on a bag of ruffles. "This fat ass nigga" I said looking back at him and sitting down on the huge blanket me and dd just so happen to spread out.

"Soo why does notti have lighter fluid.." I asked Mari as her and riya joined me down on the blanket. "Dd told notti that their was a bonfire out here and that we were going to be making smores and ddot made sure he didn't for get the fluid." She said while pulling a sandwich from the bag they brought.

"Wait there is? Me and dd were out here like 2 nights ago, even tho it was sorta dark." I perked an eyebrow up while looking over at dd who was casting his line in the water and ddot sitting in a folding chair watching his brothers fish.

"And when did he get that damn chair." I said as they laughed and I took a pack of beef jerky cuts from the bag. "Oo hot and spicy" I said while immediately opening it

"Told you that was her favorite." Riya blurted and Mari rolled her eyes, nd I have a giggle in return before plopping one into my mouth.

We spent a few minutes talking about me and dd's date out in this exact spot and when he gave me the ring. Before they came back with a fish in bucket.

"Okay keep that shit over there." I said before turning my head back to Mari and riya.

"Nah work up the party let's fill these waterballons up." Ddot said while pulling them out the bag. "Yall got water guns too? Yall too live" Notti said while pulling one out

𝙈𝙄𝙓𝙀𝘿 𝙀𝙈𝙊𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 - 𝘿𝘿𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙈𝘼.Where stories live. Discover now