Welcome to World of Weirdness

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Lizzy POV:

"What is this jetpod we're in?"

"This is not a jetpod, Stacy. This is a very special space pod." I forgot how uneducated these people are these days, watching videos on the internet all day long! Without knowing what they're watching!

"We're not even moving!" "I haven't even started the engine yet." "So we're not going to start moving?"

Emergency alert! Intruders in the space pod.
"LIZZY DID YOU TELEPORT US TO A SPACECRAFT?!" "I'm leaving. This is not safe!"
"You can't Kathy. We're not even halfway there." I snapped my fingers and another portal appeared."Now, get inside. We got some important things to do in order to get to the world. Only a few of us to get there without any help. One day, I saw a spacecraft getting near the world and It broke into pieces within seconds."
"Well what happened next?"
"The people inside turned into rotten flesh and landed back onto earth. Their remains were shockingly found in someone's backyard. People were terrified of this magical and horrific world. It exists but no one dared to go up there after this horrible incident."

All of us jumped into the portal at the same time. I switched the location to candyland. My favourite place in the world. It has one of the most sweetest candies ever created and I have access to the portal. "Woah. Is this candy?!" "You can eat the snacks here. It doesn't harm us. Might as well get some snacks for later..."
I used my watch to call someone.

"Мама, я в конфетной стране. Может, пойдем куда-нибудь особенное?"
(Mom, I'm in candyland. Should we go somewhere special?)

"Предлагаю вам отправиться в новый пресловутый мир. У него еще нет названия"
(I suggest you go to the new infamous world. It doesn't have a name yet)

"понятно мама!"
(Got it mom!)

I closed my phone and opened the portal. I twisted my fingers to form a shape. I make my friends levitate in the air and throw them into the portal.

"мама, пожалуйста, не заставляй меня сожалеть об этом"
(Mom, please don't make me regret this.)

I hopped into the portal. Making sure that we do not leave anything behind candyland. This time we appeared in the entrance of a place.
"Hey! THAT PLACE WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!" "Why do we have to leave so early?"
"I'm not even done eating all the candy yet!"


"Yes, I believe that one of my friends live here." I teleported to the place too early. Since we're here, why don't we enter the place.

"How do we even breathe here! There's no air here!"

"I think air does not exist here."

"There is air in this world."
"You're all delusional."
"We're not-"

"Who are these fools outside of our city?" "Let's escort them back to where they belong."

I watched as the two officers walk closer to us. I decided to speak up.
"Hello there officer, we're from earth and we decided to came here for a visit."

"Who are you visiting exactly? And do we know you-" "мой друг." "You may visit ваш друг, goddess."

"Thanks, officer. May I let my friends?" "As you wish, goodness." Three friends looked at me in shock. "I forgot to tell you guys about this. But I'm a goddess."

The officers let us enter the place. "Thank you for letting us enter. They nodded and left. "Welcome to World of Weirdness my fellow friends. Firstly, we'll teleport to the castle"

"A castle?? I've never been in one."
"Hello, goddess. It's great to have you back here! What do you need?" One of the maids said excitedly. "I needed a special material that could turn heads invisible-"

"MY DEAREST SISTER! WELCOME BACKKK AWWEEEEEEE!!!!!" Campie, Lizzy's older sister exclaimed. "Hello Campie, it's been a while since I last saw you!"


"They're my friends on Earth. We're just looking for a material that could turn heads into headless."

"You're such a nerd, sis. Perhaps you should go have some fun while staying here!"

"But I came here to-" "Lizzy!!! Come onnnn!!! I wanna go have fun!!!" "YEAHHH!!!!!"

"Sis, please check if we have any guest rooms. We needed some room for them to sleep in."

"Sis, we only have one guest room left to use. The others are unstable for your human friends to live in. You remembered what those humans did to our mother! They killed our parents!"

"I know... Kathy you're coming with me."


"Would you want to be with her tho?"

"NOPE!!" "Shut your mouth young lady, you do not have the permission to speak to my sister like that."

"But- I" "She's a goodness so am I. You are not allowed to be in our guest room for the night. Understood?"

"What?!" "Campie, maybe we should just go to the rooms. We can't continue this unnecessary argument all day long."

"You're right Lizzy, you may go to the guest rooms. Lizzy will guide the way to the rooms. We got more things to talk about later on."

I guided my two friends to the guest rooms. "Here's the room. They already prepared clothes for you so you'll be fine."

I shut the door behind them and walked to my room on the highest floor. "Lizzy, so... Did you miss me while I was in jail?" Kathy asked. I looked at her suspiciously. "I can still remember the time I was in court. Everyone was cheering up after I left the court room. Celebrating that I will be stuck in jail forever."
"I know that you treat people badly so they think that you deserve it."
"I wish I realised it earlier..."

"I know... it's getting late, we should go get our dinner now."

"The chef's going to cook?

"Yes, they're going to cook the food. You should come down in a few minutes." "Are you gonna leave?"
"Yeah, I needed to. I got some business to do."
I closed the door behind me and wandered around the castle. Not a lot of places changed to be honest. I guess Campie really hate the colour of the castle. It's all yellow and black, does she really like bees that much? The last time I checked she rewatched the entire bee movie.

In this world, there is only one language and it is English. Only the leaders aka gods and goddesses can speak more than one language. I can speak Russian and my sister can speak French.

"Sister, you have been standing for a while now... what are you thinking about? Your future husband?" I shook my head. Disagreeing with her answer. "Or wife?"

"Not like that sis. I'm staying single forever." "You're hopeless sister. You should get a girlfriend soon." "I'm not a lesbian, Campie. I am staying single." My sister laughed at my response and showed me a video. The video shows a phone camera recording Kathy and I accidentally falling onto the ground. This replayed on my mind! How did they even recorded that? Wait... "STACY!! WHAT THE HELL!!! Why did you record that!!"

"You two would be a very good couple." "No, we're not!" "You-you don't like me?" I turned around and Kathy stood there. Staring at me, I shook my head. "I-I don't know what to say. Let's go get dinner Kathy. I'm not in the mood right now."
"So, do you like me back?"

Sorry for not updating for a while, I'm also working on the other book.

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