Heartbeat - Digging Around

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The party was over, the ballroom near empty as the manor regurgitated the various well dressed guests out of its exquisitely decorated front door. Leaving the manor's owner to wave them off, her husband busy reaping the rewards of a recent gambling run against another member of their extended family. 

"Get lost you walking talking flounder of a tin can. Clearly James should of betted you instead of what he did bet." The top hat wearing human that had colourfully exclaimed that put one of his hands on his hips as he spun a wine glass like a basketball in his free hand. Surprising the worker drone that was his unwilling conversational partner with the display of dexterity.

The human then smirked as he noticed the butler dressed drone's gaze, although this looked more threatening then the master had intended due to the fact that drones saw humans as nothing more then black silhouettes. "Thought so, you know...".

The human paused for a second, tipping his top hat back up as he stooped down to look at the armband that the robot wore. N glancing awkwardly away at the action, humans were never this interested in him. So this was a change. The yellow band stating the name and designation of every drone that the human's niece had apparently rebuilt. After he read it, the human stood back up. taking a second glass off of N's platter as he did.

"N, Hmm, Tessa's getting lazy I see. ANYWAY! I, The Great Lord Frumplebucket will teach you my very flabbergasting party tricks and doodads.".

N, not trusting himself enough to speak back to the masters at all but also confused at the apparent lack of disdain that the human had for the butler styled robot. As well as this Lord Frumplebucket's sudden switch in mood. Decided to just nod, agree with the overly energetic man in front of him. Said man, sparring a glance back into the center of the ball before resuming his one sided conversation with N.

"Now listen here tinny!"

N. Who had been making rounds across the manor ballroom and picking up any discarded and finished drinks as he did now waited and listened to the human as he explained, in perfect detail. How to do many rather useless things, such as spinning objects on your fingers, knuckles and most uselessly. The nose. That last one being something that the lord realized would be unwanted information half way through his now twenty minute long lecture.

"Ohh... arhg fiddlestick devils, I forgot you lot don't have noses like I do. Uhh.. we do. Because Im not the only human with a nose." The man stuttered out, evidently half confusing himself in the process as the goofy looking black silhouette focused on keeping the wine glass that was balancing on his nose from falling.

Fortunately for N. Frumplebucket was now being interrupted by someone more important calling to him from the center of the ballroom, the table he sat at still dressed with the spoils of economic warfare. Lord Frumplebucket quickly stoped his shenanigans and returned the two glasses to N, grandly gesturing towards the exit as he did so. N taking the hint and leaving down the extravagantly decorated hall just in time.

"Brother! Stop fraternizing with those drones.".

"Your the dillydally-er that accepted my bet. Two extra tin cans for this house of cards and yet sir mighty tells me off for having a little fun?". Frumplebucket swung his arm over in some lightning fast pointing gesture. Levelling it at his brother in a mock accusatory mannor.

James sighed, exasperated with his somehow esteemed guest that had yet to leave. The manor's co-owner then softly pointed out the obvious.
"Yes... You still lost that bet."

"I know.".

The two got to their discussions as brothers usually did, neither again acknowledging the existence of N while thunder cracked and the dull gray sky lit up once more with far away lightning.

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