The Interview

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(I was originally gonna make this a separate story, but I decided to make this chapter 10 of this story 🤪

Important author notes at the end of the chapter)

Luz was currently sitting backstage, nervous, and waiting for her cue. A few months ago Gus’s father Perry left his job at BBN-HXN news and began planning a talk show. However, finding someone for a first interview to give his show some credibility was harder than he thought. So, to help out her friend's dad, Luz offered to be his first guest. Luz, being the savior of the Isles, ment that a lot of people would likely tune in, so Perry didn't hesitate to take her up on her offer. At first, Luz was relatively calm, but she would slowly get more nervous as the days got closer. Today was that day.

“Ms. Noceda, you're on in about 15 minutes!” yelled the backstage worker.

Luz nodded in response. Her nerves were at an all-time high.

Amity had just finished helping Luz fix herself, “You ready?”

“Yes? No? Maybe? Ugh, I don't know.” Luz answered.

Eda came and put her arm around her adoptive daughter, “You'll do fine!” 

Luz let out a deep sigh, attempting to calm herself down. “It's just….I never did an interview before, so I don't know what to do!”

Amity placed her hands on Luz's shoulders and gently rubbed them to try and calm her down, “Just be yourself and answer all the questions honestly. Do that and it will be fine!”

“Why did I agree to do this again?”

“Because Gus’ dad needed an interview for his first show.” Eda reminded her

Speaking of Gus’ dad, Perry came on stage to a big applause.

“Thank you all for coming!” He said to the audience, “Welcome to my first show, everyone! Before we get to it, let me tell you about how this show came to be. My son Augustus was always fond of the human world, and after the day of unity, he was trapped there for months. After the fall of Belos, he would tell all about it and what he learned. One thing he told me about these things called talk shows and how a lot of humans watched them. Since we didn't have anything like that, I thought “Why not be the first in our world” and here we are today!” The audience gave a round of applause, “Thank you all for that! But I know what you all came here for, so how about we get to the person you all came to see?” My first guest on this show is someone who really needs no introduction. None of us would be here today if it wasn't for her. Please welcome the savior of the Isles, Luz Noceda.”

“Ms. Noceda, that you cue!!”

Luz stood up and took a deep breath, “Okay, here I go.”

Amity grabbed her wrist, “Wait! Before you go.” Amity placed her hand on Luz's face and planted a deep kiss on her wife's lips, which Luz quickly returned and separated shortly after. “Go knock 'em dead, sweetie.”

“Thanks hun!” Luz said as she walked out stage.

Luz came up to a thunderous applause and took her seat across from Perry.

“How are you today, Luz?” Perry asked at the beginning of the interview.

Luz placed her hands on her knees, “A little nervous, I never did an interview before. I don't know what to expect or what to say.”

Perry lightly chuckled, “It's okay, no need to be nervous.”

“Honestly if you weren't one of my best friends' parents, I wouldn't have offered,” Luz stopped talking after realizing what she just said, “Oh crap! Was that something I shouldn't have said?”

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