Mr.Pigeon 72

254 15 14

*Marinette's room. Ladybug, Diana, Daniella and Alya are experimenting.*
Ladybug: Sure, it's amazing being Ladybug. I've got these powers, share powers with Diana now, kwamis, but can you imagine I could've prevented Shadow Moth from creating villains in the first place? Ha! He'd be ruined! Have you noticed that Shadow Moth seems to reakumatize people much more often these days? Do you know why? Because he gets to know them and figures out how to manipulate them better!
Diana: hm,that is true.
Daniella: who knew the bug was smart.(suddenly a yo-yo hits her head) hey!(she rubs her head)
Alya: You're right. I was akumatized four times as Lady Wifi because I was obsessed with you! I knew you were hiding something from me and it drove me crazy.
Ladybug: I had to keep it a secret.
Alya: I know girl. But now that I know the truth, I've got your back!(she then looks at Diana and Daniella)and you two as well! (She notices the large amount of times Xavier Ramier has been akumatized on the billboard) What? Mr. Pigeon has already been akumatized 71 times?!
Diana: I know right!
Daniella: That's how you know Shadow Pest is desperate.
Diana:(confused) shadow pest?
Daniella: That's the nickname I am giving him.
Ladybug: He's just a harmless guy trying to take care of his pigeons. It's so not fair! I'd promised him I'd find a way to keep him safe from Shadow Moth, but I just can't figure it out. (groans) I don't understand a thing in this spell book!(she then looks at Daniella and hands her the miraculous spell book) here,help me.(Daniella sighs as she grabs the book)
Wayzz: Master Fu didn't understand much in it either, but he was able to do it with proper time and rest!
Ladybug: which I have.
Wayzz:four hours of sleep isn't enough.
Diana:Four hours?! Marinette you need to be—(suddenly a yo-yo is stuffed into her mouth)
Ladybug: hold that thought, my wolfy. I think this is it!
Daniella:(as she reads the book)hm...wait Marinette,I don't think—(Ladybug sprinkles some pepper into the pot, causing an explosion)

* Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Tom and Sabine react.*

*Marinette's room.*
Ladybug: Ugh, I was sure that "spicy little rock" would be pepper.
Daniella: obviously it wasn't,
Ladybug: Then what is it?
Daniella: I don't know yet.(she continues reading)
Ladybug: ugh, you dumb Firebird.
Daniella:(she looks at Ayla) you see! You see how mean she is to me! You think she would be nice to me seeing as am her future sister in law.
Ladybug: it's called sisterly love, which is something I thought you would understand seeing as you actually have a sister.
Daniella: Actually I am a twin.
Ladybug: same thing, you both came out of your mother.
Daniella: And Diana isn't mean to me like you are.
Diana: That's true and what do you mean by sister in law?
Daniella: You know exactly what I am talking about.
Ladybug: birdbrain, continue reading the book!(she puts the book in front of Daniella's face) the faster we can solve this the faster we defeat Shadow moth.
Daniella:(she grabs the book and gives Diana a look;whispers)talk to her...she's starting to get obsessed over this.
Diana:(she clears her throat as she walks towards Ladybug who was adding new ingredients into a pot) hey...Marinette...don't you think you should I don't know...take a break?
Ladybug:(as she continues pouring new ingredients) I can't, I need to find the right ingredient so I can stop Shadow moth from—
Diana:(she grabs both of her hands stopping her) just stop,you need to relax...
Ladybug: But—
Diana:(she puts her finger on her lips) shhh...(Ladybug blushes) forget about stopping shadow moth for now and take a break.(Ladybug then continues to stare at Diana) ok?
Daniella:(she whispers to Ayla) 20 say they kiss.
Ayla:(she looks at her as she whispers) I knew Marinette and 20 says she won't.(they shake hands and then they both continue to look at them)
Ladybug:I...(she starts to lean closer towards Diana but at the last second she backs up)I can't.
Daniella: aw...damn it,
Ayla: told ya,(Daniella sighs as she gives her 20)
Ladybug: I am so close to figuring this out.(she continues adding ingredients into the pot as Diana sighs and looks at Ayla)
Trixx: Alya, help Diana reason with her, please!
Alya: Marinette, how long have you been working on this?
Ladybug: I dunno, six-seven days, maybe ten. Now that we're on spring break, I finally have time to put my whole heart into it!
Alya: When was the last time you worked on one of your own designs?
Ladybug: I do loads of designing! Look! (pointing to the contraption at her door) I designed a security system so that nobody can enter my room when I'm not in it. And if I put on this hat (puts on modified hat) I hear everything that's going on in here, even when I'm out of the room.(Diana and Daniella both look at each other )
Daniella: when did she have time to make all of that!?
Diana: I don't know, she probably made them when we left.
Alya: I'm gonna have to break it to you because I'm the only one who can. (shouting in Marinette's ear, causing her to stumble back) THIS IS TOTALLY INSANE! Girl, trust your BFF. When I'm researching something obsessively and I can't think of anything else, that's when my mind can get really blocked. You know what you need most right now? A break! Just like Diana said
Ladybug: No way! No breaks until I find out how to keep Shadow Moth from reakumatizing people! (opens jar and pours contents into the pot causing another explosion)

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