Love in the Dark

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A/N - This is gonna hurt...I apologize in advance...

Song recommendations: 

Once More to See You - Mitski

Love In The Dark - Adele (hence the chapter title)

Cry - Cigarettes After Sex

You don't have to listen along while reading but I just think these songs really resonate with this chapter.


Tears continuously spilled from your eyes ever since stepping out of the hotel, flowing out like a damn waterfall. Your hands wiped against your eyelids to dry them, smudging your makeup. You were probably horrifying to look at right now, but that was the least of your worries.

Come on. Suck it up. I don't want Zeke seeing me like this.

You nodded to yourself, sniffling as you continued trudging forward.

The forest looked creepy as hell at night. If you hadn't brought a lantern along, who knew what kind of creatures you'd encounter behind the shadows. You stepped carefully over the branches and plants spread across the ground, rubbing your arms from the chilly night breeze. All you wore were some sweatpants and a pajama top with a hoodie tossed over your head, but it still wasn't enough to warm you up completely; then again, it could also be your nerves causing the chills.

The tree Zeke wanted to meet at was only a few more feet away; you could see it from straight ahead - enormous trunk and unnaturally tall height.

Almost there...I wonder where he's hiding...


You paused, halting in your steps. Did you hear that right? Did someone call your name from behind you? It sounded a lot, no it couldn't be.

I'm just hearing things.

You proceeded walking like you heard nothing at all, but then you heard it again - your name. Your feet stopped moving. You weren't imagining it. Someone was calling your name, and it wasn't Zeke's voice.

"Eden!" you heard the man's voice from even closer. The panic began to build up in your chest. That was Levi's voice. No other person could replicate that tone and expression but him. You had that voice memorized and tucked away in your heart.

Fuck, he couldn't be here. How did he find out where you were?

"Levi?" you called for him, eyes traveling in every direction in search of him.

"Eden, where are you?" he asked, voice much nearer than before.

He stopped right in front of you. The two of you locked eyes, frozen in place for a few seconds, and then he jogged towards you. His relief from finding you was evident in the way his shoulders relaxed.

"Thank fuck," he breathed out. "I thought I lost you."

Your eyes widened in fear the closer he approached you. "Levi, you need to leave," you demanded harshly. His face expressed confusion, now becoming aware of the panic behind your eyes. You were shaking, the anxiety overpowering your entire body at just how dire the situation had become.

"Eden, what's going on?"

"You shouldn't be here." You walked up towards him at full speed in an attempt to lure him out of the forest. He backed up instinctively.

"I'm not leaving without you," he proclaimed stubbornly.

You shook your head. "Levi, please listen to me. You have to leave."

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