chapter 2: embarrassment

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A/n: Hello, my little piggies, I am back with some slop for you (if you know); just know I'm working on either an Either and Predator fandom story with Luka or an original story with male Y/n and Luka! It depends on whether you like Luka enough! I hope you like them, Luka is the picture up top. Sorry if this chapter is bad. Please comment and vote

Toby sat in the bed of the truck with a new person who had been added to the gang. He hated how they just inserted themselves into the gang. They weren't proxies or followers of some kind, so why were they here? He didn't get it at all. What was it that the slender man and the Operator saw in them? He just

showed up at the door, insisting on seeing a slender man. The thing wouldn't go away until Slender came and took it to the office. What the hell was up with slender? Did he know them or something? Toby looked at the thing that called themselves Luka. They tried to make themselves look human; they looked mostly human except for the dark pink eyes. They had the same dark pink eyes that they had in their monster form. Luka sat there across from him. He seemed to be having fun with how crazy Timothy was driving.

Toby didn't mind when they kept to themselves, although they were very touchy and didn't seem to understand personal space a lot of the time. Toby was trying to reason with himself to not dislike them; it was hard, as he didn't know why he didn't like him. They gave him a flight or fight feeling when they were around. Slender had told Toby to keep Luka from doing something stupid that could risk them getting exposed. They already have Jeff, risking them getting exposed to the world. They didn't need Luka doing it as well; they were already on thin Ice with the government finding them as it are.

It took about an hour to get to the store, and boy, how nervous and excited Luka was about meeting Y/n face-to-face. He had only watched him from the treeline or through the window of the store; he was too much of a pussycat to try to talk to Y/n in his monster form or go in there by himself in his human form. He had gone to Slender and the Operator for help and advice. He had known Slender for all of Slender's life; he had just recently met the Operator a few weeks ago. Maksy pulled into the driveway recklessly; sadly, Toby was standing up due to Luka throwing up in front of him. It wasn't vomit, but a mix of tar that he uses to make nests and acidic liquid.

Masky slammed on the brakes, and poor Toby went flying from the momentum. The momentum threw him over the top of the truck, bouncing off the hood of the engine, and onto the dirt driveway. Luka was hanging out the side of the truck bed, throwing up an acidic liquid and pine tar. He was so nervous that, mixed with Maksy's crazy driving, he spit up the mixture. Masky quickly turned off the engine and opened the door. He knew Toby was going to be fine, but he didn't know about Luka. The poor monster was throwing up his guts. He had to do damage control before Y/n found out that Toby wasn't human. Y/n had seen all of this through the front window; he quickly ran out of the store and ran to Toby to make sure he was okay. "Oh my god, Toby, are you okay? Tim, what were you thinking driving like that?!" He yelled as he got on his knees and pulled Toby onto his lap, checking him out to see if he had broken any bones or gashes.

"I am sorry, ok, I didn't know this would happen, ok!" Tim yelled back as he started to bite his fingernails As he panicked, Toby's healing abilities would give them away if he had any cuts on his exposed skin. It took Toby a moment to get out of a daze. He looked up at Y/n, his chest tightening for a moment. He had a feeling—a feeling he didn't know existed, 'What the fuck am I feeling?' he thought as he started at Y/n. It took Toby a moment to realize he had to act hurt to pass off as being human. He held his arm, acting like he was thriving in pain. Tim stared daggers at Toby, knowing damn well Toby was playing around and was making him look bad.

"My arm hurts so bad, I think it's broken," Toby said as he looked up at Y/n with fake teary eyes. He was making Tim look so bad right now, and Tim was pissed about it. Almost everyone had forgotten Luka was there but Brian, who was helping him out of the truck bed. Luka had thrown up all over themselves and was crying from embarrassment. He was covered in a mix of acidic liquid and pink tar in front of his crush, and his first impression was ruined. "Are you okay, Luka? Shit, We are going to have to buy you some new clothes," Brian said as he put a hand on Luka's back, giving it a gentle pat.

Luka felt bad that he ruined Eyeless Jack's hoodie; he wasn't sure if he could wash out the tar or fix the acid holes that the acidic liquid was starting to make. He never knew he could get motion sickness, or whatever humans call it. He noticed that Y/n was holding Toby in his lap; he wished it was him in Y/n's lap. He was jealous of Toby right now; it should be him in Y/n's lap, and it should only be him. Brian could feel the jealousy coming off of Luka; he quickly had to calm him down. He picked Luka carefully, hoping to get any liquid on his hoodie. They were lucky that this place had a public bathroom. "Hey, Y/n, can you get us some baking soda and flowers?" Brian asked as he walked over to his teammates and Y/n. Y/n had forgotten there were two other people, or he hadn't noticed them. He looked at Luka and his hoodie as the acid ate away at the fabric. "What the fuck, how, what, huh?!" he sat Toby up and quickly stood to his feet.

"We will explain once we get Luka new clothes, Sorry about the driveway; just cover it in flour and baking soda, and it will neutralize the acid," Brian said as he walked to the stairs. Y/n noticed how the acid was eating away at the dirt and quickly ran inside to get baking soda and flowers. Y/n was fucking panicking; he quickly grabbed a bowl and filled it with backing soda and flowers. He mixed it up and ran outside. He dumped half of it in the hole that the acid was making, and the rest in the truck bed that he noticed was being eaten away by the acid. He let out a sigh and shook his head. He walked back to Tim and Toby, "mind explaining what is going on?" he asked as he put a hand on his hip. Tim rubbed the back of his head as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, "well, you see, that person there? That Luka, that shadow monster that hangs out outside the store when you work," he said as he pulled out a cigarette. She put it between his lips. "That's just their human form, they are more of what a person back where he lives calls 'loli slash shota' though I wouldn't call them that as that is a stupid internet term, they are more like a customizable doll," Tim said.

Y/n looked at Tim and scrunched up his nose a bit, "That person has a problem; yeah, it's one thing to go over a fictional loli and shota, but to bring it into the real world and project it onto a person is gross," he said as he brushed the dirt off Toby with one hand and held the bowl in one hand. "I know, he is on the internet too much," Tim said. Once the three of them went inside, Brian went to the bathroom with Luka to get cleaned up. Tim and Toby started to shop for what they needed. Y/n went to the back of the store and started pulling stuff off the shelves that was on the list. He bagged the stuff as he grabbed it, he was confused as to what was happening. He felt overwhelmed with all the new information he had learned.

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