chapter 5

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Y/N pulled into the driveway of the store and parked his car behind the store. He signs as he puts the car in park. He turned off the car and put his head on the steering wheel. "God, I hate work; they better give me a raise." He muttered to himself as he slowly took the keys out of the ignition. He quickly got out of the car and made his way to the back door of the store. He froze halfway to the door as he got a glimpse of blue by the side of the building near the door. Whatever it was ducked back around the side as soon as Y/N saw it.

Y/N isn't stupid enough to go check it out. He slowly walked backwards to his car, his eyes never leaving that spot. Once to the door, he quickly got in and started the car. 'Fuck this shit, I am going through the front door,' he thought as he backed out of the parking space. He put the car in drive and sped to the front of the store.

Y/N parked close to the door, but not in the way of people who couldn't walk far. Y/N quickly shut off the car and got out. He made a run for the door, hoping nothing would get him. Y/N's eyes lit up when he saw Steve hadn't left yet. He quickly ran up the steps and opened the door.  "Oh, thank God, Steve, you are still here." Y/N quickly closed the door behind him and walked up to Steve. The gruff old man gave him a questioning look: "What is it, Y/N? You look troubled, little one."

Y/N took a moment to catch his breath before he started to speak. "I saw something out back by the door; I don't know what it was, but it freaked me out because it was human-shaped," he said, a little bit panicked. Steve listened to him; he had lived in these woods ever since he was a kid. He had worked at the store ever since he was a teenager; he's in his late 40s now. He knows what goes on around here; he just never told Y/N so as not to scare them off. Steve nods and rubs his beard. "Probably a bear; just keep the doors closed, and if you need to fend it off, just use the bear splay under the counter," he said, trying to downplay what Y/N saw. Steve knew it wasn't a bear, as they don't tend to come this way. 

Y/N felt a little safer with the idea it was just a bear, but something was nagging at him; bears weren't blue. It had to be something else, but he didn't want to think about it anymore. "Are you on your way out now?" Y/N asked as he walked to the counter. Steve nods a bit. "Yeah, my wife is waiting for me. You know you are welcome to come over for dinner anytime; you don't have to be alone all the time," he said softly. He had grown to care about Y/n like he was his own son; he didn't have kids of his own, so he took Y/n in right from the start. Steve first met Y/N 9 months ago when he came in for the job interview. Steve looked like the stereotypical trucker with his fat belly, beard, and ball cap. His black hair was all messy under the cap. 

Y/N looked at Steve and gave him a little smile. "Yeah, I know, I can come over Sunday that 3 days from now, so that will give you the time to go shopping." Y/N always liked that Steve went out of his way to make sure he was doing well. Steve gave Y/n a pat on the back and said, "will do it; be safe, bub." And with that, Steve left Y/N all by himself.

 Minute felt like hours to Y/N as he scrolled through his phone. He was making $35 an hour; this was the easiest job he had ever had. Nobody really came by between 12am and 6 am. It was great but, at the same time, boring. Y/n was looking through Pinterest, making a mod bored for Tim, Brian, Toby, and Luka. He put more work into Luka's than he did the others. He liked Luka a lot, even if he didn't know him that well. Luka was just so sweet-looking; he was so full of energy. What's not to love about the smol bean? Y/N found Luka crush harmless and that he would grow out of it. A small part of Y/N didn't want that; a small part of him wanted to keep Luka in his home and just take care of him.

Y/N shook his head, trying to brush off those thoughts. He checked the time and noticed it was 5am. Y/N could just close up early, and nobody would know. Y/N grabbed his stuff and started to clean up the place. Once he was done, he locked the back door and walked out to the front. He took a deep breath, the incident from earlier crossing his mind. It probably wasn't still around, as it has been 5 hours since that happened. He slowly opened the door and looked around. He scanned the parking lot for any signs of life. It was quiet; no birds chirping. 'No birds? That's weird; they should be out by now, as it is summer' he thought as he closed the door and locked them.

Y/N walked down the stairs but felt like he was being watched. He quickly walked to his car; he pulled the door open and quickly got it. He slammed the door shut and locked all the doors. He was freaked out over that feeling. He put the keys in the ignition and turned it.

Nothing happened

Y/n tried to start the car again, growing as scared by the minute.

Nothing happened

Y/N started to freak out; he felt pure fear flow through his veins. He jolted as there was a knock on his window. He slowly turned his head to look at what knocked on his window.

A/N: Hey everyone, another chapter is out, and I am letting you guess who it is

btw, If you want me to change Luka's personality to a more mature and less childish look, let me know, or I can just make them have a spit personality, one dominant and one submissive

this was made with pure sleep deprivation

edit: إلى الشخص الذي يعلق على قصصي ، فأنا أستخدم Google لأخبرك أنه إذا أحب ذلك عندما تترك تعليقات ، فما عليك سوى إضافة أي شيء تعتقد أنه سيكون لطيفا

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