Chapter-46: A Dinner Invitation

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Two days had passed in a whirlwind of anticipation and excitement for Manik and Nandini.

They threw themselves into their daily routines, with Manik juggling his responsibilities at the office and Nandini focusing on her well-being amidst her pregnancy.

On the morning of the third day, at precisely 11:00 a.m., their song clip was released to the world. As the minutes ticked by, the response was nothing short of overwhelming.

Fans flooded social media with messages of love and support, expressing their adoration for Manik and Nandini's chemistry and the beauty of their music.

The hashtag #MananMagic began trending worldwide, and within moments, their names skyrocketed to the top of every music chart.

Meanwhile, in their respective worlds, Manik and Nandini remained oblivious to the frenzy unfolding online.

Manik sat in his office, engrossed in a pile of paperwork, while Nandini was busy in her office, unaware of the storm brewing on the internet.

In the chaos, CEO Mr. Rao organized a conference call to congratulate Manik and Nandini on their success. As they joined the call, their hearts raced with anticipation, unaware of the magnitude of the response their song had received.

"Manik, Nandini, I just wanted to personally congratulate you both on the phenomenal response to your song," Mr. Rao's voice crackled through the speakerphone. "The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and I couldn't be prouder of what you've achieved."

Manik and Nandini were stunned, their hearts swelling with pride and disbelief. They had poured their hearts into their music, but they never expected such an outpouring of love and support from their fans.

"Thank you so much, sir," Manik said, his voice filled with gratitude. "We're truly humbled by the response."

Nandini echoed his sentiments, her voice trembling with emotion. "Yes, thank you, Mr. Rao. This means the world to us."

As the call ended, Manik and Nandini's phones buzzed with notifications, each a testament to their overwhelming support.

Later that day, their family and friends reached out to congratulate them on their success. FAB 4, eager to share in the excitement, barged into Manik's office, their faces lit up with jubilation.

"Manik, you won't believe it!" Cabir exclaimed, waving his phone in the air. "You and Nandini are all over the internet! It's insane!"

Manik's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of his friends, their excitement contagious. "What do you mean?"

Dhruv chimed in, his grin widening. "You guys are trending worldwide! The song is a massive hit!"

Manik's heart swelled with pride and relief. Meanwhile, Nandini received a call from Navya, her voice practically bursting with excitement.

"Nandu, have you seen it? Have you seen the response to your song?" Navya squealed, barely able to contain her enthusiasm.

Nandini's heart raced with anticipation as she grabbed her phone, quickly pulling up social media to see for herself.

"Oh my god," she gasped, her eyes widening in amazement as she scrolled through the countless messages of love and support. "I can't believe it."

Navya laughed joyously on the other end of the line. "Believe it, Nandu! You and Manik are unstoppable!"

As the day wore on, Manik and Nandini found themselves inundated with messages and calls from friends and family, each one offering their heartfelt congratulations and well wishes.

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