His eyes hunt me.
It hunt me so much so that I couldn't even sleep a wink that night. Yes I was intoxicated but the way his gaze shifted towards Mctavish, Riley then me raise my hair to stand. It kept me in an insomia cycle and made me do work and studies to utilize my time for not sleeping. You got to get that bag and diploma. We can sleep when we are dead.

For what felt like hours before sunrise only means its ten more seconds before my alarm clock starts to go off and I'm another day in--precisely three days -- without proper sleep. My eyes blink from the dryness and my mental countdown started from five while I seat at my study chair like a madman slowly losing its wits. I anticipated the sound of my alarm. One. And my eyes land to my phone which turned on to my motion and my other hand flipping the poor pen up and down as if in a drumming motion to my already done notebook worth of two weeks. Two. I should get up and grab coffee, breakfast and not just seat down here like a child being told to stay and do my homework. Three. That guy's eyes... Is he fine? Why does he look at me like that. Personal problem? Wait, we haven't yet had that neighbor argument or what not and his probably too far from my living space. Four. Not to mention that his eyes almost drowning, intoxicating even and it's done in the most tortuous way as possible, elevator door closing and him standing like a serial killer who seen I'm not alone. The hell is wrong with me! I shouldn't be worrying that. Five. My eyes darted to my alarm clock with much anticipation and the clock hand strikes at the schedule time. It rings. Loudly that made me jump from my own chair and dive to my bed to grab the damn clock. The ringing made my head want to burst due to the lack of sleep.
As soon as the clock is paused to stop, I lay on my back and eyes to the ceiling, contemplating my life choices. My routine, personal existential crisis. The questions varies from, what am I doing not getting sleep, why am I torturing myself not to show my face to class rather than making friends and mingling my age I rather mingle with someone older, why do I look at my social media apps and see those loving couple on it with relationship goals and dynamic that I crave so much and want to have the same but rather not. Why am I suffering with my own schedule. I sigh deeply and run my hand over my face trying to wake myself up even it is already tired and awake.

Rushing to the elevator to catch the recent one I squeeze in bringing my huge ass tote bag with work and school stuff that I had prepared this past three days. My body perfectly got in and I huff a heavy air with a proud smile that I clutch the timing. I am late.  I look over the button and see it was leading to the ground floor which I happen to be going as well. My face looks at the side and my eyes land at those pair of orbs that haunt me. Blue. Icy blue eyes look down at me over his broad shoulder.

"Running late?", he speak. And it made me gulp and walk over to the side feeling small to the sight of this mountain like of a man. "... yeah..." My eyes darted to the ground again as I clutch over my tote bag closer to my midline. I can feel his eyes look at me more as if checking me out. I would love to get out of this damn elevator, but I am running late. This or get late and I choose the latter.
    "Shepherd University?"
He pointed to my ID sling that dangle on the edge of my tote. "Oh!" I grab the sling and push it deeper to the tote's opening and flash him a friendly smile. "Yeah, yeah." I awkwardly replied and stiffen. He cleared his throat, and I didn't even dare to look at him. "Not a talker?", my eyes finally slide to his side and his eyes as well does the same motion with his beautiful bicep being flexed as he places both hands behind him and stand tall and straight. "No, I'm sorry. I'm just a timid person." Come on Y/n! Get your head out of the gutter this man will probably think your weird if the first thing you look is his beautiful, toned arms.
He releases a dark chuckle, deep and husky rather. "Konig." He stated and the way my body move to face him is stiff like a kid being persuade to the aunt and the kid gets shy as it's being bribed a chocolate treat to engage in socializing the other family extend. "Y/n". I answered back and he look at me with unsure eyes. Is he asking to shake hand like the formal thing. "How late are you? Can I offer you for a ride?", I'd be lying if I said my eyes didn't sparkle from the sudden offer. I'm stupid late-late. But can I? It's sweet offer but I had to decline because I don't want to bother him and it's so sudden. Meanwhile my devil on my shoulder keeps telling me I'd be stupid not to grab unto it, his offer is perfectly timing.
"Don't think too much about it." He waves his hand tad bit trying to assure me that there is no need if I don't want to. Before I can even finalize my thoughts, the elevator stops and open telling us my time is up. "Konig!" I said following him out. "May I take you on that offer?"
Even his face is covered I can still see those smile on his face like some kind of X-men shit. "Come this way." He smugly walks and I followed him. He opens the door for me and get me comfortable. I even hold my breath when he bent down and then grab the seat belt and wrap it loosely to me but enough to hold my body back. "Comfortable", I nod, and he gave me another smile. Again, it can be hoax. This man can either be devilishly smiling because he plans to kidnap me, but I can see that smile when his eyes form crescent. The next thing I knew he slam the door shut as he gets in as well. Started the engine and started driving. "I take you that you left school." My eyes darted to him, and he gave me a quick look. "Rude. " He chuckles, "no. I mean to say you look young, so I assume. But hey, you are in fact a student."  I nod at his words. Accepted. Fair point.

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