Chapter 22: Zipp's Yes Day

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In the Maretime Bay smoothie stand, Hitch, Izzy and Pipp are gulping down on their smoothies at a fast-paste.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Sunny and Sunset cheered out in encouragement as Sunny holds a timer stop-watch, meaning that the group are having a smoothie-slurping contest to see who gets to finish their smoothies first while Sunny and Sunset times their records. "Aaannnddd..." Sunset and Sunny both said while keeping their eyes on the watch in excitement.

At that moment, Pipp finished her smoothie fast as she slammed it on the counter. "Totally done!" She called out, with the hiccups to go with it. "Again!" She added with a smile, while also stating that she has won again.

Sunny stops the watch as he checks the time record. "7.1 seconds." She said to her friends. "It's a new gulpathon record, Pipp." She told Pipp with a smile.

"You win again in the smoothie gulping contest, Pipp." Sunset added as she gave another score record point to Pipp.

Pipp smiled at her record as she turned to the others. Hitch finished his smoothie as he took a breath after slurping the cold smoothie while Izzy hadn't finished her smoothie yet. Izzy looks at what's left of her smoothie, not wanting to feel left out, she gives a smirk and looks around if her friends are paying attention, while they aren't she tosses the smoothie content out of the cup with a toss. "Done!" She called out while tossing the smoothie.

"Hey!" Posey's voice can be heard behind them.

"Hooo! I drank that whole smoothie so fast!" Izzy lied with a smile and sparkle in her eyes, not wanting to feel left out. "Fastest I've ever done. Wow." She finished with a smile.

"Uh-hum" Posey cleared her throat as she tapped Izzy on her shoulder, making the unicorn turn and saw Posey next to her, with an angry look and some smoothie that Izzy accidentally tossed at her.

"Oh. Hi, Posey." Izzy greeted with a smile, totally oblivious to knowing that Posey is a little ticked off from Izzy getting smoothies on her. "Loving the new do. Purple highlights? Funky!" She cheered to Posey, thinking the smoothie is a new dew.

Posey got even madder as her head became red with gritted teeth. "Unbelievable!" She snapped as she walked away in anger, really don't like how she's been going through, mostly Izzy from time to time.

The five ponies watched her go as they were shocked by her outburst. "Can't say she deserves it. But wow, she can be ticked off when she's mad. Madder than me from time to time." Sunset commented, while seeing Posey ticked off can be shocking, even by her standards when she gets mad herself, but can't say Posey deserves it for being rude to ponies from time to time.

And then Pipp gasps as she realizes a feeling she starts to feel. "Uh-oh! I knew it." She said while holding her head, as it started to turn blue. "Here it comes." She said while clutching her head.

"Ah! Can't stop it now!" Hitch said, while clutching his head as it turned blue as well.

"Brain freeze!" Hitch and Pipp cried out, apparently, drinking their smoothies too fast has given them an after-effect called brain freeze.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!" Pipp cried out while Hitch moaned in pain from his brain freeze as they will have to endure it until it goes away.

Izzy is basically the only pony, aside Sunset and Sunny, who doesn't have a brain freeze since she didn't drink all her smoothie that fast. But Izzy doesn't want to be left out as she plays along as she gasps. "Oh, no! I've also got the... the freeze!" She fakely cried out, pretending to have a brain freeze. "Oh! Ooh, it burns! I mean, uh, so cold!" She said while fakely clutching her head.

Sunset sees Izzy's play but lets it slide as she shakes her head in amusement. "That's what happens when you drink too many smoothie ponies." She said with a chuckle as Sunny chuckled along with her, it's a funny sight alright.

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