Chapter 46: Sparky's Sick

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, Hitch came rushing in through the door with a slight panicked look to the girls.

"Sparky's sick!" Hitch cried out in panic as Sparky appeared on his head as he started hiccuping and burping at the same time, but then released one of his dragonfire in the process.

Sunset, Sunny and Zipp widen their eyes at the incoming dragonfire as they duck as it passes over them.

"Whoa!" Sunset cried out in surprise. "That's new." She added.

"Was that a... hiccup?" Sunny asked in confusion at what Sparky just did.

"I think it was a burp?" Zipp asked in curiosity, not sure if Sparky hiccuped or burped.

"I think it was both." Sunset answered.

Sparky gave another hiccup as Pipp came close to Sparky with a smile.

"It's a hiccup-burp." Pipp said with a smile and sparkles in her eyes at how cute it is as she squeals. "Aah! It's adorable." She squealed at how adorable that Sparky burped and hiccuped at the same time, finding it cute.

Hitch held Sparky with concern as Sparky gave another burp as Izzy appeared next to them with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as well.

"Aw. Oh I'm sure he'll be fine, Hitch." Izzy assured as she made a face intimation of her Elder Flower. "Like Elder Flower said, 'If it's gassy, let it passy.'" She said.

Sunset cringe at what Izzy just said. "Yeah, even though that's true, Izzy, that's just gross to say." She commented, finding Izzy's phrase gross.

Sparky's face shows a 'not feeling good' expression as he gave another hiccup-burp as another one of his dragonfire came out and hit a tea kettle on the living room table as it turned into a watermelon.

"Okay. That's less adorable." Sunny commented after seeing that, now seeing the issue here.

"And we can tell that Sparky is not feeling good with this either." Sunset added in concern as they see that Sparky isn't feeling okay with this.

Twilight appeared as the necklace opened up as she looked down at Sparky with a concerned look. "Aw. Poor little Sparky. He's not looking well at all." She said in sympathy to Sparky.

Hitch put Sparky down to the floor as the baby dragon rubbed his tummy to shoot the ache from the many hiccup-burps and dragon fire he released.

"He's been hiccup-burping all morning, and I don't know what to do!" Hitch pointed out in concern. "Please ponies, help a Dragon-Daddy out!" He pleaded as Sparky whined at them, wanting them to help him as Hitch turned to Sunset. "Sunset. You are an expert on dragons, can you or Twilight help us out?" He pleaded, since Sunset and Twilight are the only ones who are an expert on dragons.

"Don't look at me, Hitch." Sunset said as she waved her hooves in defense. "I may be an expert on dragons, but I don't know how to cure one when they get sick." She said in defense, sure she has gotten some information about dragons from Twilight through her journal, but not how to cure one when they're sick.

Twilight then spoke as she gave a sympathetic look at Hitch. "Unfortunately, Hitch, this isn't something I can help with much, either. None of the times Spike has gotten sick have ever turned out this bad." She stated that she never had this experience with Spike when he got sick. "In fact, this is more similar to the time 'I' was really sick and Pinkie went to Zecora for some medicine. The medicine worked, but I was turned into a filly for 24 hours. Spike had to take care of me until that side effect of Zecora's medicine wore off." She added, remembering the time when she got really sick that her magic went out of control and have weird effects on her friends until Pinkie gave her Zecora's remedy to help cure her sickness, which also cured her friends, but in the process, turned her into a filly until the effects wear off.

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