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Hong's outburst sent the family into chaos. She began to scream and try to reach her son, her eyes wild and unpredictable.

Yunlan who was desperate to calm the situation, made a split-second decision.

"Hong, stop! Please, just calm down. I'll marry you, okay? Just don't hurt anyone else," Yunlan said suddenly

The room fell silent, and Shen Wei's eyes widened in shock. He felt like someone through him from the roof

"What? No, Yunlan! You can't mean that!" Shen Wei asked with trembling voice

Hong's face transformed, a maniacal grin spreading across her face.

"I knew you'd come around, Yunlan!" She looks like a maniac

Shen Wei felt his world shattering around him. He couldn't believe Yunlan would betray him like this.

"Yunlan, how could you? You promised to always be with me!" Shen Wei shouted

Yunlan's expression was torn, but he didn't back down.

"Shen Wei, please understand. I have to do this to protect our cheng and the family. I'll find a way to make it right, I promise," Yunlan said

Yunlan's mother quickly hugged Wei and takes him aside

Hong's laughter echoed through the room, and a haunting situation she created

The family was stunned, unable to process Yunlan's sudden decision. Hong, was over the moon, her face radiant with excitement.

Her mother tried her best to make her understand but she don't listen

Mr. Xinci, Mr. Shen both gets really angry

"Don't you feel shame Hong? Your husband dies.. your father is laying in hospital unconscious and here you are doing all this"

Mr. Xinci shout at her but she ignored everything and smiles

"I'll start preparing the wedding right away! It'll be the grandest ceremony this family has ever seen!" Hong said already planning her big day.

"I'll start preparing the wedding right away! It'll be the grandest ceremony this family has ever seen!" Hong said already planning her big day

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Yunlan approached Shen Wei, who was still fighting from the shock.

"Wei baby, please listen to me. I had to do this to protect the family. Hong was threatening to harm our Cheng and herself if I didn't agree to marry her," Yunlan said softly

But Shen Wei refused to listen, his eyes were filled with anger and hurt.

"Don't even try to explain, Yunlan! You've made it clear where your priorities lie. You just simply defeated infront of her when you know she was just doing dramas" Shen Wei said

"Baby please listen" Yunlan hold his hand

"There are many other ways to stop her but why agreeing to marry her?" Wei cries harder

Zhujiu quickly enter, gently taking Shen Wei's arm and leading him away from the scene.

As they left the room, Yunlan turned to the family, with pleading expression

As they left the room, Yunlan turned to the family, with pleading expression

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"Please understand, I had no choice. I couldn't risk Hong harming anyone else. But I promise, I'll find a way to make it right with Shen Wei," Yunlan said regretfully

The family nodded, understanding the difficult position Yunlan was in, but their eyes were filled with worry for Shen Wei.

"He's going to be devastated, Yunlan. Are you sure this is the only way?" Xinci asked with concern.

Yunlan nodded sadly and he looks down

"I'm afraid so, dad. But I'll do everything in my power to protect Shen Wei,"

He folded hands infront of his uncle Shen and he hugs him

Zhujiu and Shen Wei returned to the house, hoping to find some peace after their emotional exit. Zhujiu was very careful with his baby brother and also he gives him medicines

But as they entered the living room, they were met with a sight that made Shen Wei's heart race again.

Hong was busily decorating the house with wedding decorations, a huge smile on her face.

The sight of the white lanterns and red couplets sent Shen Wei's mind back to the trauma he had faced.

He sees Hong all ready in bridal dress and from the other side Yunlan comes out wearing wedding suit also

Shen Wei's heart gave up and he fell on the floor fainting

The family rushed to his side, shocked and panicked.

"Shen Wei! Oh no, Shen Wei!" Zhujiu cried, holding his head in his lap.

Yunlan quickly called for an ambulance, and they rushed Shen Wei to the hospital.

At the hospital, the doctors and nurses quickly attended to Shen Wei, running tests and checks.

Finally, the doctor came out to speak to the family.

"Shen Wei is going to be okay, but...he's pregnant," the doctor said

The family stared at each other in shock, unsure of what to say or do.

Yunlan's eyes filled with tears, his heart heavy with regret and worry.

"Oh no, Shen Wei...what have I done?" he whispered, his voice low

The family was Extremely happy listening about Shen Wei's pregnancy news.

They want to celebrate this good news after so much grief and sorrow they faced

Yunlan, however, broke down. He don't want to continue the drama of marrying Hong, not now when Shen Wei was carrying his child.

Yunlan was just faking marrying her and the family thinks to send her to psychologist or maybe to mental hospital for the treatment and for this Yunlan have to show drama that he is ready to marry her

He told everything to the family but they did mistake of hiding it from Shen Wei or because Shen Wei refuse to listen.

The nurse smiled and nodded, "Shen Wei is asking for his father. He wants to see Mr. Shen."

Mr. Shen's face was filled with joy, and he hurried into Shen Wei's hospital room.

As soon as he entered, Shen Wei opened his arms, and his father rushed to embrace him, holding him tightly.

"Papa...I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose everything," Shen Wei sobbed on his shoulder.

Mr. Shen stroked his hair, his voice filled with love and reassurance.

"You're safe now, Wei. You and the baby also"

Shen Wei clung to his father, feeling a sense of security and protection.....

The family also came inside the room and the ladies landed a lot of kisses on his face.


Thank you

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