¹⁵ wait... I know you!

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(tw: none I think? mentions of drugs ig)

"I'll see you fuckers later. I'm going to shower before dinner." I announced climbing out of my finished hole, following Zero. he was the fastest at digging in the whole camp, today he slowed down to wait for me though.

"okay," squid called to me. "see you later Birdie." I blew them all a kiss, though it was directed mostly at Squid. "so," Zero said. "you and Squid going out yet?"

"nope." I lied. "okay," he wasn't convinced. "it's kinda obvious. not to Mr Sir or Pendanski, but to us guys it is." I rolled my eyes. "you know, sometimes I prefer it when you don't talk." he lightly nudged me in the hip.

"keep an eye out while I shower?" I asked, he nodded in response. "so, Zero. what's your favourite colour?" I heard a small laugh from him as I lathered shampoo into my hair. "probably blue. what's yours."

"uh probably y/f/c. it has been for years... favourite letter?" the water switched off. "i-i uh don't have one." he mumbled. "yeah, me neither. some people do though." I wrapped the towel around me.

while I was drying off and putting on a fresh jumpsuit, Zero showered. at some point I'd fallen asleep, I was only woken up when the dinner bell rang. "Birdie, Ladybird," Squid whispered, his mouth hovering above my ear. "dinner."

"m'kay I'll be there in a minute." the thuds of boots told me he left. I rolled over and brushed my now almost dry hair and headed to the mess hall.

"hey." I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I had yet to notice the new person sitting next to me. "Ladybird, notice anything different?" Magnet laughed. "yeah, your fat ass is taking up the entire bench again José."

"damn ma, look up from your food." I rolled my eyes and placed my fork down. "oh! wait... I know you!" sat next to me was a boy with curly brown hair and big hazel eyes.

he looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on why. "i-i'm Sta-Stanley. Stanley Yelnats. w-we go-"
then it clicked. "Stanley Yelnats!" I repeated. "You go to my school! We have science together." I tapped him on the arm with the back of my hand.

"Yeah, Dr Evans. you're always asleep." He confirmed. "hey, not always. I was awake during that practical in january." I chuckled. "so any good gossip about me at school? Or in general?"

"n-not really, only that Mrs Ford got pregnant." he stuttered. "no way, she's pregnant?!" I gasped. Mrs Ford was my maths teacher in first year of highschool and she was the most annoying old hag ever.

"I'm Ladybird, by the way." I reintroduced myself. "I know. Magnet said." X-ray then butted in. "hey, yo, new kid." he said. "see you didn't dig today. so uh, you wouldn't mind giving up your bread to somebody who did now, would ya?"

"X..." I sighed. "what, Ladybird. I'm just saying, he doesn't exactly deserve it, does he? he didn't work for it." I glared at him.

"no, you can have it." Stanley said, handing him the stale bread. X smiled. "so, what'd they get you for?"

"stealing a pair of shoes." Stanley looked down at his plate. "from the store, or were they still on someone's feet?" At this my face scrunched up. "ew."

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