40: Nurmengard

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"This has happened before, hasn't it?"

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"This has happened before, hasn't it?"

"What?" James furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing." Again, they both replied simultaneously, shaking their head.

"Doesn't look like nothing." James said, reading their faces.

"It's just..." Josette started, "I had a feeling like this has happened before."

"Me too." Sirius agreed.

"I would have dismissed it as a mere feeling, but considering the two of you, I don't know." Remus stated.

"Never mind, I am too tired to think about that right now." Josette muttered, resting her head on Sirius' shoulder. The man shifted his position, gently placing her on his lap. She smiled and closed her eyes, pulling the blanket closer.

"Someone should be on deck, to keep watch." Sirius suggested.

"I'll go." Lucius said, he felt that he wasn't welcomed for obvious reasons and he didn't mind, he deserved that so, he walked out.

After the door closed, Ron asked, "You never told us about the wand? Is it special? Can we use it?"

"Unfortunately, you can't." Sirius answered, "It's not really special, it's just a tool to focus my powers, something like an amplifier. It was a staff originally but Odin made it into a wand for me."

"Oh, this is so not fair!" James exclaimed.

Sirius looked at him, "but using wand is easier for me."

"No, not about that. I just realized something." James said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You are all a part of Asgard." He pointed at his three friends. "And I am not."

"You gave birth to the chosen one and returned from the dead, I think you are pretty special, James." Josette said, her eyes still closed.

James appeared proud upon hearing her words.

"Wait a minute, how are you a part of Asgard?" Hermione asked, pointing at Remus.

The three marauders exchanged mischievous grins, and Remus proceeded to show them how. Let's just say Lucius was considerably frightened upon hearing the howl of a wolf.


2 October: Grimmauld Place

It has been more than a month since Josette's rescue from Azkaban, and her recovery has proven to be quite challenging, despite her healing abilities. She spends the majority of her time sleeping, and when she is awake, she frequently faints. Additionally, she struggles to eat independently as the spoon would often phase out of her hand but Sirius was there to feed her so, that was covered. Thankfully, her fainting episodes have decreased over the course of the month, and she is beginning to feel more energized.

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