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"How are we getting sick again with the same thing?" Regulus lays on his back on the bed. James was just walking out of the bathroom covering his mouth. He'd just thrown up.

"I don't know." He lays down next to Regulus. All the kids were napping after why felt like a sleep less night. Astrid kept screaming since she didn't feel well but it was hard taking care of her and the two boys who seemed like they didn't even know where the bucket they should be throwing up in was.

"It's going to get better" James reached out a hand taking Regulus hand in his.

(Wolfstars house)

Sirius sat next to Remus looking at his plate of food. It was around 07:14 so Remus should start heading to school soon. They were meant to be having breakfast together but Sirius just felt sick. Even hearing Remus chewing made him feel sick. The thought and smell of food was awful.

"Are you alright?" Remus asks making Sirius look up into his brown caring eyes. Sirius had gone down almost four pound since he started getting sick.

He just nodded no and Remus understood immediately. They hadn't talked about their being a possibility that he was pregnant. Sirius just knew Remus thought it was that but he wasn't going to bring it up. Remus wasn't going to say's anything if Sirius didn't want to talk about it.

"I'm going to go lie down for a bit." Sirius was says standing up. Remus looks up at him. Sirius looks down at him before he walked away leaving Remus alone looking after him. He lays down and pulled the covers. After Remus left he goes in to say goodbye and was meted with a sleeping Sirius that he unfortunately woke up.

"I'm sorry if I woke you" Sirius still half awake looked up at Remus.

"Don't worry" Sirius sat up. Remus wakes up to him taking his hand in his. Sirius let him with a smile on his lips.

"I'm going to go to the supermarket after school if you need anything"

"Like what?" Sirius says with a stone cold glare.

"I don't know if you just like needed anything" Remus try's to save the situation. Sirius smirks. Remus goes in to kiss him. Sirius goes into it too. After that pull away Sirius says.

"Maybe you could get like a .. you know a"

"Yea I absolutely can"


"Mhm, I'm going to go now" Remus gets up. Sirius still holds on to his hand. Remus starts walking but Sirius doesn't lose his grip.

"You got to let me go now" Remus turns back around.

"I'll miss you" Sirius frown. Remus smiles going in for another kiss. Sirius wraps his arms around his neck. Remus goes out of the kiss and walks away. Sirius could hear the door slam behind him. Now they've sort of talked about it. Sirius smiles to himself. What if this was really happening. The thought both thrilled and scared Sirius. Could he really do it? He was a mess. Sirius thought to himself. If James could do it their was no way it could be that hard.

(Potter's house)

James held Astrid who was really fuzzy in his arms. She didn't enjoy being sick at all. She was being both bounced and hushed at the same time Regulus was preparing a bottle. Leo was trying to read a little and Sammy was trying to sneak out since he was bored being stuck with them. As soon as Astrid got that bottle in her mouth the crying stopped. It was like magic. As James Lokes up ge was meted with a smiling Regulus looking at Astrid.

"She's so small." He says stroking over her head. She had started growing longer hair that was coming in curly. That dark drown curly hair that was just long enough to put into pigtails.

"She is." Regulus replied looking up at James. He wiped his eyes. James looked around the room for his glasses that seemed to have disappeared. Regulus grabs them for the counter and hands them to him.

"Thank you" he puts them on with one hand and holding Astrid in the other. You could hear someone throw up from the room next door.

"You guys okay in there?" Regulus asks loudly.

"It wasn't me!" Leo screams back.

"Is you little brother okay?"

"He threw up" Regulus goes to the boys room to find Sammy sitting on the floor throw up on his shirt but nothing on the floor. He walked even closer to se that he hadn't missed the bucket.

"Are you feeling alright baby?" Regulus squashed down. Sammy looked up at him with weak eyes.

"It's going to get better" Regulus stroke his fingers thru Sammy's hair as he comforted him.

"I got on my shirt" He points to the big mark it had made. Regulus helped him take it off and then threw it in the laundry basket in their room.

"Does it feel better now that you've thrown up?"

"This little" He held up two fingers that were had about a centimeter between them.

"Would maybe ice cream make it better?" Sammy lightened up and Leo looked over at them. Sammy nodded.

"I want too!" Leo said as he got up.

"Of course your both getting ice cream"

"Is Astrid going to get some?"

"Maybe some other time" James appears in the doorway still bouncing Astrid. Regulus turned around smiling at James.

"Well let's go down then" James started walking first but Sammy and Leo quickly catches up. Regulus walk a little behind them.

Author here
It's feels sometimes that I'm not even trying to publish but I am. It's just my adhd messing things up. Sooo that's nice. Not loving this chapter but I'll try to make a better and longer one next.

(980 words)

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