Chapter: 4: The Lungmen contract.

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After a bit of a journey with a small pit stop to refuel the Rhodes island base, they were now approaching the far outskirts lungmen... though at the moment they were dealing with an ambush caused by some reunion soldiers on its outskirts.

Liskarm: "amiya, Franka and I have dealt with the last of the ambushers on our end." She told amiya through the radio as she nods.

Amiya: "understood blacksteel. Doku- Traianus, the enemy has been suppressed." She said recorrecting herself as she was with doktor (without hexal) and Traianus- who had seemingly planted one of their ambushers deep into the ground.

Traianus: "good, this should give us a clear way to lungmen." He said with his sword before both him and Doktor quickly feel that somethings off.

Suddenly a reunion soldier appears lunging from behind doktor with a dagger, though Doktor quickly intercepts by throwing a needle into their arm- disabling it before he grabs the arm and directs them over him and crashes them to the ground on their back- jacking them cough.

Doktor: "don't mess with the medic." He said before stomping on their face, knocking them out.

Amiya: "good reaction dokuta, are you alright?" She said as doctor grabs his needle while restraining the soldier.

Doktor: "As always, you should worry more on the time- lungmen's expecting you to be there before the dot." 

Traianus: "not to worry, I've made sure to keep track. We still have time, buts it's advised that we make our way to the gates quickly." He said seeing as it was approaching the deadline.

Amiya: "then let's Move." She said as they look to the where they can see the tall buildings of lungmen.

A few minutes later, at the gates of lungmen:

The 3 had now arrived at lungmen's gates, seeing the infected of chernobog trying to let themselves in but the lungmen guard refusing to do so- then a scene that involved one of the main guards being ch'en get involved as amiya seemed unsure... while both Doktor and Traianus seemed displeased at the treatment.

Amiya: "madam ch'en, sorry to keep you waiting." She said as they approach, while ch'en took out her phone.

Ch'en: "19:59... though on time, I was expecting you to be here earlier." She said showing the time.

Traianus: "apologies, but with the fall of chernobog and with the recent reunion ambushes- we couldn't afford to take unnecessary risks." He said giving a reason for their time as ch'en eyed both him and Doktor.

Ch'en: "hmph, and who might these be?"

Amiya: "They are Traianus and dokutah, two consultants from Rhodes island." She said as ch'en looked over them.

Ch'en: "this way then." She said as the 3 follow her to an elevator.

After a few button presses, the elevator moves as they were silent for a moment before the few of lungmen began to show- causing amiya to lighten up and Traianus to blink a bit of surprise at the sight, while Doktor's lips curved up slightly as despite this place's reputation... the sight was still something to see. The group then went to a jeep after the elevator reached its destination, as ch'en then drives them to where they're supposed to be.

Amiya: "wow! I've never seen building's so tall! look dokutah, there's-"

Doktor: "heh, i saw it too. Now settle down amiya, we are here on business matters after all." He said sitting beside her as amiya became a bit embarrassed.

Amiya: "s-sorry..." she said but doctor gestured it was fine while Traianus sat beside ch'en observing the sight in silence, though smiled slightly from hearing the two.

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