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I waited inside for Eric to return and when he didn't, I decided to make my way out to look for him.

After wandering close to the cabin for close to thirty minutes I decided to venture out a bit further. 

I was going stir crazy and being cooped up for days now was taking a toll on me. The conversation I had with him earlier didn't make me feel good either.

I felt weird being compared to his wife but flattered as well, I think.

I wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing.

Would he want me more because he saw the same qualities in me that he did his late wife, or would this turn him off completely. 

My mind was going a mile a minute and, on top of it all, I was worried about my mom and how she was handling things.

Before I knew it, I was a lot further in the woods than I planned on and my panic rose to the surface.

"Great" I mumbled to myself and looked to see if I could recognize where I came from.

Everything looked the same and for the second time in weeks I was concerned for my safety.

I stumbled around the forest and hoped to see a fallen tree or another land mark which would lead me in the right direction. 

I don't know how much time I spent wandering around  but it started to get dark and I didn't feel like I was making any headway to finding my way back.

I decided to sit down and centre myself. I knew that if I allowed myself to fall into a panic, things would get progressively worse.

I tried to remember anything that might help me get out of this situation but my mind was a complete blank. 

I placed my head in my hands and cried softly. I didn't survive a damn explosion to die In the woods alone.

I was tired and decided that the best course of action would be to find a place I could sleep for the night and, In the morning, I would start over. 

Maybe I would find some water and berries that I could eat.  Then there was something about following a stream....

Determined, I found a fallen tree which would provide me some coverage overhead and decided to make a makeshift bed.

When I was satisfied with my hard work, I laid down and closed my eyes. I knew I pushed myself to the limit and I still wasn't healed all the way or near one hundred percent from the accident. 

As I fell into slumber, I dreamed of Eric's face and The worried looks he gave me when he found me.

I dreamed of how tight he held me and the kisses he peppered all over my face from relief.

I felt like I was floating, feeling safe as I was carried to safety.

It was the best dream I had in a long time and felt happy and satisfied .

I knew him for such a short time but it seemed that he would change my life for the better.

It's not like I was convinced I would end up with him but knew that, whatever capacity he would remain, he would leave an everlasting impact.

When I woke up I felt rested and ready to start the day and find my way back to him only to realize that I was already back at the cabin.

The realization dawned on me that I wasn't dreaming at all.

But was everything I remembered a reality? Did he really kiss me when he found me? Was he truly relieved to see me?

I looked around and saw him sitting across from me staring at me with such an intensity that I never experienced in my life.

"Hi, how did you find me" I tried to break the uncomfortable silence.  I wasn't sure how I was suppose to act at this moment and was worried he was angry at me.

Before I realized what was going on, he closed the distance between us and cupped my face, bringing his lips crashing into mine. The intensity of his kissed burned my lips and left me wanting more.

My whole body responded to his touch and I was a complete mess.

I was feeling things I haven't felt ever and wanted more.

Something in me awoke and I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with just one kiss.

Before I could protest he pulled away and his eyes burned into mine.

"Now that I found you, I can't lose you Charlie."

Those words were more than I could have hoped to hear.

Breathlessly, I whispered the only word that came to my mind.


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