M! Byleth x Dimitri || S Support

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- After everything that happened in the last five years, no one could deny that everyone was looking for happiness in their lives. With the war at last behind them, many set to marry those they love.

- Let me make it clear that Dimitri was no exception.

- While he had been contemplating whom he'd end up with since a child, Dimitri didn't want to marry for politics, despite his unique status.

- There was only one person for him, and, while it might come off as unexpected to most, he was sure that he couldn't bear spending the rest of his life with any one else than Byleth.

- Finding time to confess would be limited, but Dimitri was determined. He'd planned this day for months, ever since his beloved professor had found him in the empty halls of the monastery and brought him back to the light.

- Sure, there were times even before the war started, in their innocent academy days, when Dimitri had mulled over the idea that he was falling.

- But Dimitri was sure that it would be wrong, not just because Byleth was a commoner, but also because he was also a male.

- Still, nothing, not a single force in the world, could stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth that day after Edelgard was killed. Thoughts still plagued the prince, now king, and he couldn't sleep a wink.

- Byleth was the same — while the former mercenary wasn't very expressive, even at times he struggled with the world's evils as well.

- They chatted. Small talk.

- A beat of silence fell between the two, and Dimitri realized that he had a slim chance. "You know, Professor... There is something that I only recently realized. I never knew it could be so...comforting to have someone standing by my side..."

- "Dimitri..." Byleth mumbled in reply, but paused when the blonde pulled out a ring. The professor now archbishop fell into a speechless stupor.

- "Please... I beg of you. Say something! If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me." Dimitri said earnestly, not wanting to force his feelings into him, but also, Dimitri knew it would crush him if the answer was no. Still, he continued, "If so, I will face the truth and walk away."

- "You beat me to it."

- For a brief, fleeting moment, a wisp of a rare smile crossed Byleth's face. After a moment, it widened, and he pulled out a ring as well.

- "I love you, Dimitri. Marry me."

- At first, Dimitri stared in a stunned silence. Then, he couldn't help but begin beaming. "I love you too."


Author's Note:

If female Byleth can marry Edelgard, I say male Byleth can marry Dimitri! And Claude too, for that matter.

Anywho, this is a request for Danawolf3412

Thanks for reading! This book has only been open for a brief period of time, but already, I've gotten a handful of requests — I really appreciate it!


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