You Might Not Like Her - Maddie Zahm

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"If you would have told me I'd throw away my purity ring in the middle of an airport / my younger self would laugh / would never believe that / it's against everything that we stood for / She'd hate that I've smoked weed and cussed frequently / and she'd try to convert everyone I call a bestie / You'll throw shots in the dark and blackout at a bar / There'll be good and there'll be bad parts 

Someday you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic / Some guy will break your heart and you'll feel manic / Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions / and talk about your traumas / and like the body you live in / Someday you'll learn to keep your own secrets / Say you're doing okay and really mean it / You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you / And for a while you might not like her, but I do 

Some days feel like whiplash, one-eighties / and you'll hate that you'll label yourself just to take it back / Convinced you're not bi cause you're way too into guys / and the first time you have sex, you'll cry / You'll sometimes skip meals and numb how you feel / And you'll miss the old you, but here's the deal / that good girl you were was really fucking bad at being real 

Someday you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic / Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic / Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions / and talk about your traumas / and like the body you live in / Someday you'll learn to keep your own secrets / Say you're doing okay and really mean it / You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you / And for a while you might not like her, but I do 

You might not like her / you might not like her / Someday you'll think you disappoint your parents / but they'll love you not despite, but regardless / Then you'll learn to let people have shitty opinions / and talk about your traumas / and like the body you live in 

Someday you'll learn to keep your own secrets / Say you're doing okay and really mean it / You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you / And for a while you might not like her, but I do.

- "You Might Not Like Her" by Maddie Zahm 

I absolutely love the concept and depth to this song. the fact that it's like a love letter to your past self telling you it's gonna be okay and you're gonna like who you turn out to be - it's so good. 

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