Spying on Dean. Why not?

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Trigger warnings-
reference to sexual assault!
Underage prostitution! (depending on where you're from)
Suicide ideation!

Okay. I did it. And I promised I would stop changing the whole chapter last minute and giving my poor beta a heart attack. Speaking of which, I have to thank them (Anastacius_Arklov) for looking into this over so short-notice. Seriously, thanks for putting up with my antics.

I wanted to write more but that would be too much for this chapter, but we are getting to my favorite part soon! I can't wait for the end of my next chapter. It's gonna be *so* awkward. Anyway, enjoy and tell me what you think because its fun to hear what people think of it!


The moment they reached the hotel Artemis realised he should probably use a local accent, the last thing he needed was to be identified as a pale Irish boy with hetero-chrome eyes. Benny gave him an amused look as he reproduced a perfect facsimile of Benny's accent.

Artemis shrugged, "I don't want to be memorable."

"Whatever you say, Chere."

Something occurred to him, "Sorry, I only booked one room with two beds, I can go back and..." He hadn't wanted to sleep unguarded, so he hadn't even thought-

"It's good Chere, it'd be a little weird to sleep without someone else there after this long," Benny admitted.

Artemis relaxed and they made their way to the room, Artemis unlocked it with a jingle of keys. Benny left for the bathroom immediately, in desperate need of a shower. He showered after, flecks of dirt and sweat washing down the drain.

He changed into a pair of boxers and a loose T-shirt and walked back into the room.

Benny frowned, "Kid, your neck."

Artemis cursed under his breath, his neck was bruised from a few nights prior, "It's nothing."

A thoughtful look passed over his friend's face, "Alright. You can tell me anything if you want to, you know that don't you?"

Artemis smiled, "I do."

Benny hummed to himself in satisfaction and climbed into bed, "It's odd being here. I almost miss Purgatory for some god-forsaken reason."

"I know what you mean. Curious." He remarked, getting into bed and lying on his side. The bed was too soft, as usual. After half an hour he sat up, got out of bed, and cocooned himself on a blanket on the floor. Benny didn't say anything.


Artemis woke when it was still dark, jolted by a car zipping by the building. Benny was still asleep.

And then, a nasal voice from his nightmares sounded, "Old habits die hard, huh kiddo?"

He jumped, sitting bolt upright, eyes widening with horror to see Alastair, leaning on the wall arms crossed, yellow snake eyes watching.

Benny woke when he gasped, looking around frantically, "What is it?" He asked. Benny was looking straight past Alastair.

"Did you not-?" Artemis cut himself off.

Benny, still bewildered, didn't see Alastair standing in front of him, "What's wrong Artemis?"

Artemis settled back, his nerves fraying , "Nothing, never mind, I think I was startled by a car."

Benny frowned but settled back too.

PurgatoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora