Chapter 4

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"Hey, Moldy!"
"Subway Seat." Moldy was exercising intently to try and fan the flames of her anger down. There was no equipment in her new home, so she was simply doing sit-ups. Charlotte closed her eyes as she went up and down, up and down. She could see his stupid face in her mind. She'd rather be focusing her anger on him, but that wasn't right, or whatever. Ever since she'd been respawned, Moldy'd been trying to teach herself that. 
Moldy stopped, pushing herself up. Subway Seat was in front of her. 
"What are you doing?" He looked as disconnected from reality as possible, just like always. 
Moldy groaned. After she'd let the others in, she had grown to enjoy Subway Seat's presence...sort of. 
You see, Subway was enjoyable only in small doses. And only when Moldy was in a good mood. 
You see, while brought a sort of childlike wonder and curiosity to every single conversation he joined, he was also insanely ignorant of the most basic concepts and far too bluntly honest. Subway Seat required a kind of patience Moldy frankly didn't have at the moment. She stared at him blankly for a second before finally giving up and responding.
"It's called a sit-up, kind of exercise."

"Ohhhhh!!" The ignorance in his tone was already beginning to annoy Moldy.  Subway looked down at his hands. He lifted himself up, supporting his weight on them, and "walked" closer to Moldy. Her immediate instinct was to shove him away. "Can I try?"
Moldy looked at Subway Seat. An object with no joints in his body and no legs to be found was asking to do sit-ups with her. She stared deep into his eyes.
Not a single thought behind them, that's for sure. 

Moldy shook her head. "No." She wiggled her foot. "Leg thing." That was the simplest way to get this conversation over.

Subway's face began to fall, soon looking like a puppy that had been abandoned. Moldy frowned. Oh, you've got to be kidding me. 
"Buuut if you want to exercise we could definitely do some stretches together! No legs needed there!" 
Why did you say that. WHY DID YOU SAY THAT? You want him gone, remember?

Subway was grinning now. Moldy sighed. There was no pulling out now.
 "Alright, so we start by stretching our our right arm..." Moldy was making this up as she went. She watched Subway as he followed her instructions, noting what he could and couldn't do. She adjusted her instructions as she went to best suit his needs, and she could tell by the look on his face he was having fun. She thought up every exercise to suit his needs she could, and when they were done, at least an hour had passed.
"That's all I can think of" she finally admitted at the end. Subway smiled. "Ok, thanks, Moldy!" He hoisted himself up and nodded. Moldy smiled. She...actually felt a little better. "You too" she said. 
Subway nodded and hoisted himself up again, starting to 'walk' away. Moldy watched him walk away.

He's like me. She began to realize. She looked down at the mold growing on her hand, then back at Subway Seat.

Not just like me, he's not gonna die of not having arms or anything. But that...having no arms at all. It's a huge obstacle. Nobody else has to deal with that obstacle. 

Moldy clutching her legs to her chest. He was always so happy, though. How? She frowned. 
Maybe he could teach me a thing or two...

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