Chapter 4| The hospital

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Thalia woke up to a different morning, the sunlight piercing through the usual fog. Despite her attempts to distract herself, thoughts of Draco Malfoy flooded her mind as she maneuvered through the icy roads to school. Approaching Bella, who was deeply engrossed in her English class book, Thalia's nerves heightened as she realized it was the day the van had nearly collided with them.

"Hey Bella!" Thalia greeted her friend, trying to mask her apprehension.

"Hi," Bella responded, her focus still fixed on her book.

"What are you up to?" Thalia inquired, attempting to push aside her unease.

"Just trying to finish this chapter," Bella replied, her tone distracted. "I need your help with this question; I've been stuck on it all day."

As they conversed, a screeching noise shattered the calm, signaling the terrifying turn their day would take as a van skidded towards them, only to be halted by an unexpected force—Draco Malfoy.

Confusion and questions swirled in Thalia's mind as she grappled to comprehend what had transpired. Despite Draco's insistence that he had been by their side the entire time, Thalia couldn't shake the feeling that something didn't quite add up.

At the hospital, encounters with Dr. Cullen and Draco himself only served to deepen the mystery, leaving Thalia with more questions than answers. Despite her efforts to rationalize the day's events, the persistent nagging feeling remained that there was more to Draco's involvement than met the eye.

The next day despite the lingering uncertainty, Thalia made the decision to return to school. The confines of home felt suffocating, and she knew that she couldn't continue to wait idly by while questions gnawed at her mind.

With a determined stride, Thalia stepped out into the crisp morning air, her resolve firm as she navigated the familiar path to school. Each step brought her closer to the answers she sought, and she refused to let fear or doubt hold her back any longer.

Arriving at school, Thalia was greeted by the hustle and bustle of students going about their day. Despite the normalcy of it all, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered beneath the surface.

As she made her way to her classes, Thalia's mind raced with thoughts of Draco Malfoy and the mysteries surrounding him. She couldn't help but wonder what his true intentions were, and why he had intervened on that fateful day.

Throughout the day, Thalia kept her senses sharp, searching for any clues or hints that might lead her closer to the truth. She sought out familiar faces, hoping to glean some insight or perspective on the enigma that was Draco Malfoy.

But as the day wore on, Thalia found herself no closer to unraveling the mysteries that plagued her. Frustration gnawed at her insides, but she refused to give up hope.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Thalia knew that her journey was far from over. She may not have found the answers she sought today, but she was determined to continue her search until the truth was finally revealed.

Upon returning home, Thalia found herself consumed by thoughts of the enigmatic Draco Malfoy and the perplexing circumstances surrounding him. Despite her best attempts to make sense of it all, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper truth waiting to be uncovered.

That night, as she drifted off to sleep, Thalia's dreams were tormented by visions of Draco Malfoy, leaving her with more questions than she had ever faced.

With morning's light came a newfound resolve burning within Thalia. She knew that uncovering the mysteries surrounding Draco Malfoy would be a daunting task, but she was prepared to face whatever truths awaited her, regardless of the challenges ahead.

But with every step she took, the truth seemed to slip further from her grasp, teasingly out of reach. Draco's presence loomed large, his enigmatic gaze piercing through the haze of uncertainty clouding her thoughts.

As the morning sun filtered through her window, Thalia awoke with a resolute determination. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Draco's actions than mere happenstance. With unwavering resolve, she pledged to unravel the mysteries surrounding him, regardless of the obstacles that lay ahead.

Upon arriving home from school, I found Bella still seated on the couch, her gaze fixed on the TV. "It's been a day, Bella. Why don't you consider going back to school?" I suggested, breaking the heavy silence that hung between us.

The tension between us lingered, palpable like an unspoken truth waiting to be acknowledged.

"I can't believe you didn't see that van coming," Bella exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice as she directed her glare towards me. "Draco saved us, Thalia. If he hadn't intervened, we could have been seriously injured, or worse!"

My fists clenched in frustration, my own emotions rising to the surface. "I already told you, I didn't see it either! It happened so suddenly," I countered, my tone defensive. "And Draco... he insists he was right there with us the entire time."

Bella's eyes narrowed skeptically. "Draco Malfoy? Seriously? You're falling for his hero act?" she scoffed. "He's trouble, Thalia, and deep down, you know it. I don't trust him, not for a second."

I shook my head, torn by conflicting emotions. "I don't know what to believe anymore," I confessed, uncertainty wavering in my voice. "But there's something about him... something familiar."

Bella's expression softened, concern evident as she reached out to take my hand. "I understand you're going through a lot, but please, promise me you'll be careful," she urged. "We don't know what Draco's intentions are, or why he's suddenly taken an interest in you."

As the echoes of our argument faded into the background, I couldn't shake Bella's words from my mind. Could Draco truly be a friend, or was he concealing something darker beneath his charming exterior? Only time would reveal the answer, but one thing remained certain: I was determined to uncover the truth, regardless of the sacrifices it might entail.

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