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1. Kenma tends to ghost Kuroo by accident, either hes focused on his game, or is just too tired to respond.

2. People sometimes mistake Kuroo and Kenma as siblings, however they are quick to correct it.

3. Kenma doesn't really mind it when Kuroo gets loud, and Kuroo knows when to quiet down a bit.

4. Kenma's ears are extremely sensitive to loud noises.

5. Kuroo reads a lot, and he tells a whole bunch of facts to Kenma.

6. Kuroo sometimes misses playing volleyball.

7. Kuroo and Kenma play beach volleyball with Bokuto and Akaashi every once in a while.

8. Kuroo jokes around saying that Hinata is Kenma's secret lover.

9. Kenma used to have a crush on Hinata.

10. Kuroo is extremely flexible.

11. Kenma is insecure about his voice.

12. Kuroo will randomly pop into existence at the most random times when Kenma is talking to someone and say "KenKen has an amazing voice" or something like that.

13. Kenma doesn't really do nicknames, but every once in a while he'll call Kuroo love.

14. Kuroo launches himself at Kenma from time to time.

15. Kenma can carry Kuroo.

16. Kenma and Kuroo don't take pictures of each other often, they believe that if you love someone enough, you don't need pictures to remember what they look like.

17. Kenma cooks breakfast and lunch, while Kuroo cooks dinner and does the dishes.

18. Kenma does live streams with Kuroo sometimes.

19. Kenma manages Bokutos and Kuroos social media accounts.

20. Kenma and Kuroo didn't tell anyone when they first got together, then a day later kenma broke and told Hinata who then proceeded to tell everyone else.

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