shobio / KageHina

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1. Hinata is into PDA, Kageyama isn't.

2. Hinata is close friends with Kenma, and often tells the other about things that he shouldn't know about, which tends to make Kageyama jealous.

3. Kageyama loves attention.

4. Hinata will barge in on Kageyamas practice with the Adler's, and smoother him with affection (Hinata usually gets kicked out)

5. Kageyama wears skirts sometimes.

6. Kageyama has a speech impediment, and struggles to communicate how he feels.

7. Kageyama sometimes will wear dresses because he feels pretty.

8. Kageyama loves chocolate cake, and bakes it a lot.

9. Hinata has ADHD, and has mental break downs a lot, so Kageyama always helps him through it.

10. Kageyama has asthma, which Hinata found out in their third year.

11. Kageyama confessed first in their second year.

12. Hinata usual plans the dates.

13. Kageyama makes dinner for the two.

14. Kenma and Kuroo are basically family to Kageyama and Hinata.

15. Kageyama and Oikawa are on better terms now, still not good, but they are talking now. Kageyama and Iwaizumi are close, almost like son and father, however no one could replace Daichi and Suga.

16. The couple often meet up with their highschool volleyball teammates.

17. Sometimes Tsukishima and Yamaguchi goes over to Kageyama and Hinatas house to play volleyball.

18. Hinata has a small crush on Atsumu.

19. Kageyama and Ushijima are friends.

20. Kageyama and Hinata have a third room in their house for dissociating.

21. Kageyama and Hinata challenge each other constantly.

22. Hinata and Kageyama are both switches, sometimes Hinata will top, sometimes Kageyama will top.

23. Hinata calls Kageyama pretty.

24. Kageyama refers to Hinata as "shoyo Kageyama" in interviews.

25. People assume that the couple are married.

26. Kageyama called Hinata sho, love, and baby, while Hinata calls Kageyama kages, tobio, Tobi, darling, prettyboy, handsome, cutie, and beautiful.

27. Hinata loves it when Kageyama wears skirts and dresses.

28. These two often cuddle a lot, kiss a lot, and smoother each other in love at their home.

29. Kageyama and Hinata fight everyonce in a while.

30. Kageyama threatened to leave Hinata at one point, causing the two to take a year long break, which after that they got back together.

31. Kageyama trusts Bukoto with his life.

32. Kageyama loves Hinata, but worries that the other might cheat on him.

33. Sometimes Hinata flirts with Atsumu.

Yes. I did add angst. I love these two, mostly as Shobio, so I had to add my angst head cannons. I might add a one shot of these two idk.

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