Chapter 62

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We ran to hug each other. The embrace was so powerful that no words could describe the amount of emotions in that moment.

"How I've missed you, Harry. You have no idea how much I needed you. "

"Y/n, I felt the exact same."

We didn't let go of each other until Hermione said.

"We don't have time, Harry. You need to tell y/n everything before we get caught."

He stepped back a little and looked me in my face.

He spoke about all the horcruxes and how they have destroyed the locket and cup.

"We've got to find the lost diadem. It's something to do with Ravenclaw"

I frowned "Well this seems super easy," I said sarcastically

"What do you mean?" Ron questioned

"The LOST diadem?" I emphasised on the lost part

"Yeah," Harry said, defeated

"I bet nobody alive has seen it," I said, sniggering

Soon, everyone's head whipped to mine

"Y/n, you're a genius," Harry shouted

I looked at the all confused "I know. But why?"

"We have to talk to someone who is dead," Hermione said excitedly

I laughed "Oh and how are you going to bring someone back from the dead?"

"We don't need to silly. What is the castle full of?" Ron looked at me like I should know the answer


He grinned "Yeah but ghosts."

It was like a little light bulb went off in my head

"She gets it," Harry said, smiling

"Right, so this is well and good, but you can't just roam the castle. Snape has taken over"

The door brust open

"Snape has called for an emergency meeting. Everyone is going to the great hall. "

"Great. How am I meant to sneak out of the griffindor common room now?"

Harry handed me this piece of fabric

"Thanks, but how is this going to help me?"

"Put it on y/n."

I wrapped it around my body, and I disappeared

"Wow, the cloak of invisibility. How did you get this?"

"Don't worry about that now. Just get yourself with the Slytherins before anyone notices,"

I nodded and threw the cloak over my head and ran towards the great hall where I saw a gap at the side of Enzo.

Whispering, "Has anyone seen y/n?"

"No, she wasn't in our dorm," Pansy said worryingly

"Well, she better hurry up before Snape notices,"

I jumped, walked next to him, and took the cloak off.

He jumped out of his skin

"Merlins beard y/n. Where the hell did you come from?"

"All that matters is I'm here,"

He smiled as we lined up in the great hall. We all lined up in groups in our houses. I could see most of the guys apart from Mattheo and Draco. I looked over to the griffindors and saw everyone part from the golden trio.

Snape was talking about how Harry was spotted in hogsmeade, and the whole hall began to mutter. Pansy tapped me on the shoulder.

"Did you know?"

I turned to face her

"No," I shook my head. I hate lying to her, but I needed to protect Harry.

Snape then spoke about if anyone knew any information and not to speak up would be getting punished.

Suddenly, Harry came out of the group of griffindors, and the hall doors opened to find the order coming through.

Snape and McGonagall had a bit of a duel before he disappeared.

"Take the slytherins to the dungeons," she demanded

"Professor, what about y/n?" Harry said, looking at me

"My dear, she's a death eater,"

He face dropped, and he looked at me in completely disgusted. My eyes started to fill with tears.

"Harry," I said softly but quietly

"Save it y/n. I don't even know who you are anymore" before he storms off

I looked towards the order and shouted.

"You never told him the truth, did you?"

Tears fell down my face as none of them trusted me. I wish Sirus was here. He would believe me. I looked towards lupin.

"Just remember who the real enemy is," I shouted before getting dragged out of the hall.

We made our way down to the dungeons, and all got locked in different spots.

I held on tight to Enzo as I sat crying into his arms.

He lifted my head and softly said.

"Y/n, this is the start of the war. Voldermout is attacking today. Do you know what you're doing?"

I wiped away some of my tears. "What I'm doing?"

"Yes, what side are you fighting for?"

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know that answer.

Do I fight alongside my brother and lifelong friends with the order that doesn't trust me, or do I fight alongside Voldermout, but I'll be with my love and friends who fully trust me.

"I don't know,"

Silence filled the empty space between us.

"Well, if I was you, I would decide now,"

Soon, some black smoke appeared before us. Mattheo and Draco stood there with their wands.

"Princess," He said with a smile.

853 words.

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