Chapter 28 - Good Work Donovan

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"You're the words in my soul that I wanna say, that I wanna say, won't you let me say? Won't you take me home?" – Home (Good Neighbours)

In the middle of dealing with a group wide funk in Glee, Violette was devastated to find a new teamwide "funk" with her Cheerios. Sue had basically dropped off the face of the earth and as team captain, it was Violette who was left to clean up the mess, and what a mess things were.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry," Violette apologised hurriedly as the crashed into some people in the halls. "Oh, uh hi," Violette greeted with wide eyes when she realised she had run into Kurt and Mr Schue.

"Violette, are you okay?" Mr Schue questioned in concern as he noticed the girl's frazzled appearance, clutching onto a stack of books and papers like her life depended on it while a backpack was falling off her shoulders.

"No. I haven't slept," Violette shook her head quickly, "Coach Sue's gone and with her just about all the hopes and dreams of my Cheerios. Four of my girls are gonna lose their college scholarships and the rest of them are losing their minds," Violette rambled out quickly as Mr Schue and Kurt looked at the girl in sympathy. Violette shuffled through some papers, before handing some flyers to Kurt.

"I'm running our practice this afternoon. Even if we get nothing done, the girls need some routine in their lives again. Please put these up and get the word around for me, and if you see Kylie send her my way because I have her meds, and if you see Emma or Bianca, please let me know they're alive because I can't get a hold of them," Violette rambled out as she ran over the list of each of her Cheerios in her head to see who she needed to check on next.

"Yeah, sure thing," Kurt said, giving the stressed girl a sympathetic look before it changed into one of concern as he and Mr Schuester spotted Brittany begging JBI to help her. Violette spun around quickly when she noticed their gaze, quickly grabbing onto Brittany and pulling her away from JBI.

"Hi Britt Britt, can you hold onto this for me," Violette asked Brittany with a gentle smile, immediately hiding her stress, and handing the girl her backpack as Brittany just pouted.

"There we go," Violette said as Brittany began clinging onto her arm for comfort instead of JBI's, "Come on, let's go find Santana," she said guiding Brittany down the hall as she waved a silent goodbye to Kurt and Mr Schue.

"Hey Tana," Violette said gently as she spotted Santana crying on the floor. She reached a hand out to pull Santana up who immediately fell into the smaller girl who now had both Brittany and Santana clinging to her. However, just as she wanted to comfort them, Violette spotted more of her Cheerios down the hall and knew she needed to do something big if her team was even surviving the day, let alone making it to nationals.

"Hey Britt, here's the key to Sue's office, can you and Santana go hang out there for me?" Violette asked with pleading eyes as she dug a key out of the backpack Brittany was still holding for her. When Brittany finally took the key and guided Santana in the right direction, Violette began sprinting through the halls to find the rest of her squad and round them up in Sue's office.

By the start of the next period, Violette had successfully found all her Cheerios (other than Kurt) and gotten them into Sue's office. What Violette wished to do was organise a practice, but she knew her team wasn't up for it. Instead, Violette made a call from Sue's office phone to excuse the Cheerios from classes and used her laptop to play movies while she made everyone eat some of the protein bars and health food snacks she found in Sue's supplies. Maybe they weren't going to make nationals anymore, but Violette Donovan was going to make damn sure that her team was at least okay.

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