Chapter 30 - Break A Leg

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"I've got somewhere I belong. I've got somebody to love. This is what dreams are made of." – What Dreams Are Made Of (Hilary Duff)

"A mash-up of Olivia Newton John and Josh Groban, are you kidding? Somebody tipped them off about the judges!" Puck ranted as the New Directions sat in one of the rooms backstage at their regionals competition. Violette leant against the wall under the speaker, quietly going through the choreography in her head. She knew it like the back of her hand, and it wasn't half as hard as anything she'd done in Cheerios, but mentally running it over and over again was perhaps the only thing stopping her from slumping dejectedly on the lounges with the other Glee kids.

"Guys, we can't get distracted by what the other team's doing," Rachel told the group, moving to grab Violette's hand, who's attention was immediately pulled to the other brunette.

"We just gotta keep our heads in the game and focus," Finn added, as he stood and walked to the other side of the room.

"Even though we know we can't win?" Santana asked, as Violette shot the girl a quick frown for her negative attitude.

"I thought we agreed we weren't here to win, but to have fun?" Violette questioned in confusion, glancing at the group with a slight frown. She was sure that was the conclusion they'd all come to in the choir room.

"Hey, can you..." Rachel begin to ask Violette, before looking her up and down, "Never mind," Rachel smiled quickly, before trying to jump and turn the speaker off once more. Before Violette even had a chance to react to that, Mr Schue came strutting into the room.

"Violette's right," Mr Schue said quickly as Violette lit up excitedly. Mr Schue turned off the speaker above the girls before turning back to the group as Rachel and Violette moved to join them. "If this is only about winning for you guys, then I owe you all an apology because I've failed you, and we should just all go home because it means we've already lost," Mr Schue said, as the group glanced at one another, almost a little ashamed of how crestfallen their expressions were.

"Besides, we have got something that the other groups don't,"


"Finn's dancing, right? Come on!" Mr Schue joked as the tension in the room lifted, the group of teenagers breaking out into easy laughter. "Now let's get out there, we got two minutes. Aural Intensity's almost finished. Bring it in," Mr Schue began hyping the group up as they gathered into a circle to lift their hands together and cheer. Sure, there were no guarantees that they were going to win out on that stage, but as Violette said, they were gonna have some fun.


"I forgot to tell you before, but you look beautiful,"

"Violette, what are you doing here? You're meant to be backstage," Rachel whispered in a panic, looking over to Finn who shot the pair a smile, before turning back to Violette who was sneaking towards her with a shy smile.

"I will run back the second you start singing, I promise, I just wanted to come and say break a leg," Violette shrugged, walking closer to Rachel, and gently taking the girl's hands into her own.

"You already said that side stage," Rachel reminded the girl, touched by the action but confused seeing as Violette had wished her good luck before they separated. Violette pursed her lips for a moment, stumped now that she'd been caught. She glanced over Rachel's shoulder at Finn, before shuffling closer and dropping her voice.

"We haven't really talked since we kissed, and I know now is a bad time, but you're about to sing a duet with Finn who I know you have some kind of thing with, " Violette began, taking a deep breathe before continuing her rambling, "So, before that happens, I just needed you to know that I care about you, a lot, and as more than my best friend. Maybe you still have feelings for Jesse or Finn or even Puck, but I needed you to know that I have feelings for you," Violette finished with a sigh, looking apprehensively at Rachel as she struggled to stand still with how nervous she was. Sure they'd kissed, but they'd never talked about feelings or what that meant and after the mess that was her last best friendship turned something more, Violette was going to communicate how she felt even if it killed her.

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