Part 3~ The Key

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" So, this friend of yours, who is she? Have I heard of her?" Rex asked Ahsoka as they walked down the halls of the castle. He gave a nod of respect to those he passed by.

" Well, I've been acquainted with her and have gotten to know her a bit-."

" Why do you think she could help us then?" Rex asked confused. " If you're only acquainted with her?"

" I've gotten to talk to her a few times, and from what I remember from our conversations, she mentioned a lot about history and specifically, stars." Ahsoka answered quickly. " She's been away a lot, so I haven't had a lot of luck talking to her since our talk with Fives a week ago." She spoke in a more hushed whisper, " I think the King knows about those who read up on history so he sends them away just in case they can be a 'supposed threat'." She went on, "The last few weeks she was gone but only this morning I heard that she had come back and will be in Courasant for a few weeks."

" I see." Rex answered. " What division is she from?" He asked stepping aside to let Ahsoka go down the stairs first.

" The 912th. Knight of Peace, Paige Unduly. " Ahsoka answered. She went out the large gate and walked across the draw bridge, " I believe that her second in command is good with history too. Trekker is his name I believe; you've heard of him?"

Rex guided Ahsoka past the huge puddle in the middle of the dirt road. " I've heard of the 912th, I'm not super familiar with the name Trekker. Unduly, yes, I've heard her name mentioned a few times in the castle." He looked at her, " Say, where are you taking me? The castle is where we should be meeting them."

" They are at Courasant's gates right now." Ahsoka said keeping her gaze straight and walking briskly. The wind that blew threw was cold. She pulled her cloak around her tightly. Since she wasn't wearing her armor, she could keep the cloak around her more snugly. Rex on the other hand had his armor on. But he managed. He grew uncomfortable as they walked through the town. The people looked tired, hungry, and cold. Their eyes looked right into his. Sad and no light, no joy. He remembered walking through the streets with Anakin, Ahsoka, Fives and Echo. They normally were greeted by children but now, the children were ushered away by their parents, or they kept their distance. The towns people waved at them each time they came, or they would stop and talk to them. Not anymore. It took him a moment for Rex to realize that Ahsoka was talking to him.

" Sorry?" He said sheepishly. " I wasn't paying attention. I got distracted."

" It's fine." Ahsoka said giving him a small smile, " The reason why we're going to the gate is because the 912th had to check up on something, so they had a bit of a delay. Like I said before, I only heard about their coming a few moments before I met you. They'll be heading up to the castle soon. I just want to talk to her before we get into the hubbub of the castle, and that's where people tend to eavesdrop."

Rex nodded in understanding. As they approached the gate Rex could see men in armor with sea blue details. The young woman who spoke one of the men turned upon hearing footsteps in her direction. She smiled. Her dark brown hair braided that rested on her shoulder blew slightly in the wind. "Ahsoka, Rex." She greeted.

" Paige." Ahsoka smiled. Her smile faded somewhat, " Was it rough out there? You and your men are covered in mud."

Paige sighed, " The ride to Kingdom of Ryloth was fine. One the way back however," She looked at her men for a few moments before turning back to face them, " that was a bit of a challenge. It rained so much on the way. We had to move rocks and dig our way through in order to get to the pass." She added in a lighter tone, " What matters is that we're here and safe. In need of a good clean but all good."

Ahsoka nodded her head and looked at Rex. She looked at Paige again. She spoke in a hushed tone, " We need a favor from you."

Paige looked to her left and right before pulling them over to more a quieter spot, " What is it?" she asked. She pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders.

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