Chapter 29

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The first thing Hazel had done when she got back was sleep. She was exhausted. However, when she woke up, Anne had a message for her.

"Sebastian's been asking for you." She spoke as she sewed an embroidery kit. "You've been asleep for a while."
"I'll go see him." She rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed. Despite being tired, she felt alive. The trade had been enough, even though she technically hadn't killed Rookwood. Anne was happy. Ominis was happy. Sebastian was happy. Everyone was happy, and Hazel was ready to have more time with him.

She threw on her school clothes and went over to the boys' dorm. Oliver opened the door as she knocked.

"Hazel!" He gave her a hug. Hazel hugged him back. Friendship with Oliver felt natural; much more natural than whatever their 'romance' had been. "Feeling better? Imelda told me you were sick."

"Yeah, I feel great." She grinned up at him.

"Perfect." He smiled as he walked off. She entered the room and shut the door behind her. It was just her and Sebastian.

"Hazel!" He ran over and pulled her into his arms in a tight hug. "Did it work? You still feel okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks to us. We make a good team."

"We do at that." He grinned, running his fingers through her hair.

"Has there been any news about Marvolo? Did Ominis..."

"No. He's still alive." Sebastian led her over to the couch where they both plunked down and she laid her head on his shoulder. "But I think Ominis will be fine. Marvolo couldn't kill him because there'd be a trace on his wand. Plus, Ominis told his father. If anything happens to him now, Gaunt will know it was Marvolo."

"I'm glad we're all somewhat safe now." She said, lacing her fingers with his and thoughtfully tapped her thumb on the back of his hand.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"I'm just grateful for you." She smiled at him.

He lifted his hand to her jawline and ran one finger down it absentmindedly. "I'm glad we feel the same way."

She reddened.

"Where's Ominis?"

"With Samantha." Sebastian gave her a teasing smile. "He won't shut up about her."

"Please. Like you ever shut up about me!" Hazel pushed him teasingly.

Sebastian laughed and grabbed her hands. "You seem to shut up sometimes." He gripped the back of her neck with one hand and her waist with the other. She held his face in her hands and kissed him, savoring the moment. How free and happy she felt with him at her side, and how hopeful she was toward the future.

She and Sebastian spent the rest of the day packing up the books about ancient magic he had collected over the year. They made a few trips, and by the end Scribner gave Sebastian his library code back.

"I can finally get books! Legally!" He stared at the slip of paper with his code.

"Did you know that you could have been doing that the entire time if you had returned your books?"

"Shhh..." He put a finger to her lips. "Don't ruin it."

She bit his finger playfully. He just laughed and pulled her into a dark corner of the hall. He pressed his lips against her and in a moment they were kissing each other, Hazel pressed to the wall.

She pulled her head back to hold his. "We're finally free."

He put his hands on her temple. "Anne's healthy, thanks to you." He pressed his forehead against hers. "I can't ever repay you, Hazel. You're the best blessing to ever come into my life." He ran his hand through her hair, gazing at her affectionately. "The only girl I'd ever want."

"I feel the same." She said softly. "You've changed a lot since we first met, do you remember that?"

Sebastian tilted his head. "Have I?"
"You were angry and could think of nothing but Anne. You put your wishes before anyone else's." She sighed, "Now you think of us before doing anything, I can tell. I used to be meek and afraid of what people thought of me. We can see each other's perspectives."

"And isn't that beautiful." He pulled her into a hug. "The only things we have to worry about from now on are our future end of the year tests."

"And Ominis and Samantha are happy. I liked him..." Hazel trailed off, remembering her confusion, "But I think I realized that we wouldn't be a good fit."

"I guess you could say that through all of this, maybe this whole year was–" Sebastian began, before Hazel cut him off, smiling.

"The Second Trial?"

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