Chapter 8 - Fist Fights!

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We all walked towards our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Quirrell is gonna teach us.

I was not ready for this class... I heard it's so boring and a waist of time. In this class we had mixed houses. So a good amount in each house.

As always, I was next to Harry and Jane was sitting on my desk as she laid down in front of me.

Jane fell asleep before class even started! Great... once class actually started, everyone can feel the sleepiness going around the air.

"God this class is boring..." The kid next to me complained.

"Agreed.." I reply. He then chuckled. "I guess we're both on the same page. Hi! I'm Devin." He greeted, he made a fist showing for a fist bump.

The kid was very skinny, he has curly blonde hair on the top and the shaved part from the bottom is brown. He has brown eyes and braises.

I made a fist and we fist bumped. "I'm Sierra. Sierra Ravenswood." I reply.

"Oh yeah, I've seen you around, yeah.. your friends with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, aren't you?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yup!" I then realized that he was a Slytherin. I heard Slytherins were all bad though... He's so nice!

"I love your hair and your red sweater is cool. The hat suits you as well." Devin compliments. I smiled.

"Thanks!" I reply happily. We talked the whole time in class and got away with it!

Once class ended, we said bye to each other and we all then went to flying class. Which I was very excited for!

Our flying class was outside, so we went to where we all saw a bunch of brooms on the ground. We waited and our teacher came.

"Good morning class!" She yells as she walked in the open path that's in the middle of us. "Good morning, Madam Hooch." We all reply in unison.

She then started telling us about what we'll be doing in this class. We started with this: "Alright, everyone go to the left of your broom stick and stick your right hand out! Once out - I want you to say "up!" Which will trigger the broom to go up! Ready.. go!"

Once we started Harry and I yelled Up!- and the broom immediately went into our hands. Harry and I looked at each other smiling.

"Woah!" We said amazed. Everyone was having trouble. Ron said up and the broom hits his face.

Harry and I laughed at him. "Shut up!" Ron said angrily. Hermione was saying 'up' many times but all she could do is make it shake a bit. Some kids were eventually able to get their brooms.

Madam Hooch then told us about flying on our brooms. After the introductions, Neville did what she said but couldn't control what he was doing.

"Mr. Longbottom." Madam Hooch said seriously. Neville couldn't control the broom and started going more up in the air.

Hooch kept calling him but he couldn't do anything. Eventually the broom got out of control and flew off.

I immediately went on my broom and started flying away, Harry followed. "Harry! Sierra!" Hermione yelled.

Harry and I went after Neville. He was flying around everywhere, very out of control on his broom.

He flew passed something that made him almost fall off, he didn't fall but an item he had did. It was the present from his grandma he got this morning.

Harry decided to go after it. We were very high up so it was dangerous but Harry caught it! I still went after Neville.

Neville eventually fell off his broom! I wasn't gonna let him fall so I leaned on to the broom more to go faster. I caught Neville's shirt and grabbed him tightly.

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