Chapter 16 - Salamander

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"Charlie Weasley!"

"Charlie Weasley? You mean Ron's brother?" I questioned.

Dumbledore nods. "He's very famous with dragons. He will most likely know about your special abilities and the dragons." Dumbledore suggests.

I was so stoked! "Can't wait!" I excitedly reply.

"Can I come? I haven't seen my brother Charlie in forever!" Ron asks.

"Sorry Mister Weasley, but you can't. All students must stay here! Filch will stay and take care of you all, but you will all stay in your rooms till we come back. This will be dangerous since there will be many dragons surrounding us." McGonagall announces.

Everyone was disappointed. Jane comes up with Courage. "Can we at least come?" Jane asks.

Dumbledore nods. "Yay!" Courage and Jane happily yell.

"How far is Charlie?" I question.

"Very far. Don't worry though he's still here near Hogwarts. He'll be leaving soon though to study dragon's somewhere else." Ron explained.

"Thank you, Ron." Dumbledore thanks.

"Well let's go! I wanna know more about my dragon powers!" I said.

So Natsu, Jane, Courage, the teachers, and I went to go find Charlie. "How are we gonna find him?" I question.

"Easy. We are first going to take a train." Dumbledore answers.

"Did... did you say train?" Natsu asks as his voice was shaky.

"Why, yes. Why do you sound frightened?" McGonagall asks.

"Because... I have a very bad case of motion sickness. I can't handle anything that's a vehicle!" Natsu says.

"I don't know if I do have motion sickness even though I'm 100% sure I do. But I guess I'm gonna have to take that risk!" I said.

Natsu puts his hands on my shoulders shaking me. "No way! It's the most horrible feeling ever!!" He lets me go and gives me a face.. of smug?

"Oh.. just know. That if you have dragon's blood. Then you're gonna have motion sickness. A bad case of it!" Natsu retorted evilly. I gulp at his statement.

Once we got in the train, he wasn't wrong... the last time I was on a train was when I first was coming to Hogwarts with Harry.

I felt sick on the ride and I didn't know why. I knew I had motion sickness cause if I ever said I was bored at home, my Mom would put me on a vehicle and would make me get sick.

Once I got on the train. Natsu and I didn't move and couldn't move. We felt very sick. I looked at the teachers.

"Once I'm off this train you're all getting your ass beat!" I then covered my mouth, nearly puking. Natsu spoke weakly and his voice cracked. "This sucks..."

No ones POV

"You two really do have a bad case of motion sickness." Jane observes.

"No shit!" Sierra yells, she quickly covers her mouth to not throw up.

"Don't worry, we'll be done in a few minutes." McGonagall comforts.

"That's what she said." Sierra replies as she smiles. Jane laughs as Natsu laughed a little but couldn't from the motion sickness.

Severus shakes his head. "You are such a child.." The trains horn goes off.

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