Y/N POV (kinda 2 different aus but wutevs)

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I've decided to just say what the AU is because I'm too lazy to write it out. Also, this is kinda two aus in one chapter, so I'm taking it as an excuse and dipping for a little while!

Also, if you do intend to use any of these AUs for a story, make sure to tell your audience to not check out this (or others if you gonna use others) chapter as it has spoilers, and maybe include the chapters name so they can avoid it if they don't want all the tea spilled.

PS, I'm saying that you have a little brother because it's easier to explain, but you can have a sister if you want

PPS - These are basically storylines, but whatever.


Your parents are dead and your taking care of ya' little brother by yourself. You can choose whatever ages you want for the siblings, but it's probably good to have the brother young, unless it's the work au or something maybe. You go to the local school (which is also a school countryhumans go to. surprising (being sarcastic) or you get a new job if your character ain't a teen.


You get stuck on some random project with two countryhumans of your choice. You avoid having them at your place because no one knows about your dEeP dArK pAsT. You go to their houses and the library, then they finally pressure you into letting them hang at your building of living. Then you lie and say that your parents are out shopping or something/work trip overseas.

You get closer, your less of an outcast and people stop seeing you as the weird kid to hung out with nobody.

Somehow they find out because child services find out where you are, and they pay a 'nice visit' to your place and they separate you and ya' lil' bro.

Sadness, sadness, you go to a countryhumans house and your little brother has been sent to this random human/countryhumans house. You become a social recluse at school again but this time people (your friends ig) want to know whats wrong and care about you. You eventually break and spill the beans. The person you're living with hasn't told anyone about your little predicament(sworn to secrecy by child services because it makes total sense as to why the teachers or at least the school isn't aware of your situation AT ALL). The person your with is pretty chill and so tries to find out where your little brotha is, but child services says no snitching.

You then send people out into the streets to find your brother and when they do, they find ou that he was sent to live with his grandmother. Big reveal, parents fell out with granny but granny is cool and knows it's not the kids' fault. Apparently you can't live with gma because you (according to child services) didn't have your brothers best possible life in mind and he was in 'danger' living with you. LIKE DUDE WHAT THE HECK???????????????????????????????????????????

You and others get the story in multiple newspapers and online blogs and stuff like that, and then get other students, teachers, members of the public, etc., etc. to sign a petition calling for the siblings to be reunited and both living with their grandma.

We win in the end (hooray.) and everything's good in the end.



You work multiple jobs and was fired from one job for a reason of choice (it also helps the audience know a little more about your character) and so got a new job (you could also include the interview so people can learn what your character is like in a formal + stressful situation). The new job is whatever you want, but at some point you interact with countryhumans.

You meet a certain ch (I'm lazy and abbreviated countryhumans) and then they visit more and more often or something like that (gotta show some interest, don't have to be romantic though). You eventually become buddies and life's good. You bring your little brother to work and maybe the ch has a sibling or even a kid if ya' want and the two lil' kids become mates, and eventually best bros (unless the other kid is a girl).

The ch friends notice that you walk everywhere to places and so don't get to go out and have fun often, so they take you to some fun place and then either you drop something and rush back to pick it up or your little brother walks across the road because why not? Then, either you or your bro gets hit by a car and because you live in the US in this story and the hospital bills are amazing. Either you spill the beans about your financial hardships, or your little bro does.

Then the countryhumans help once more, you or lil bro gets better. Yay. You can add romance if ya want, btw.


Voila, two more stories. I'm basically creating what's happening in the story, and then wondering if someone would write it for me because I'm lazy and also have no time to write anymore. yay.

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