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im very lazy with wording today, lol.


So, y/n's a cleaner in the prison (in Poland or Germany or something, whatever fits for you, gotta be north of italy though, because thats where your going) that holds the countryhumans of your choice (ww2 timeline could be a good fit). at some point, they ask to clean the prison as whenever someone goes in there, they could get a sickness. they get to, and after they see the state of the prisoners, they decide to break them out. y/n's been a cleaner at the prison even before the war (which helps with trust) and so they know when and where guards would be. so after planning they do that.

after freeing the countryhumans, you get hurt. you decide to travel south to italy, where the allies recently took over. you have no food, so y/n acts like a starving homeless girl and arrives at the door of a home in the countryside (forests or something). the people that own the place are nzi supporters, but instead of staying there too long, yn leaves with lots of food and a bandaged arm (or something like that), and then goes to the other countryhumans that were hiding in the woods. they continue forward and then find a large town with nzis everywhere..

They have to go around and they make a noise that alerts the soldiers. they run for it and find a place that is willing to hide them. they stay there for a long time, with good food and having their wound taken care of. Eventually the enemy find out about this and the group have to make a run for it. the adults taking care of yn and the others were killed and their children led the group out of the town using a backstreet. The kids then join their group, as they have nothing left.

You can add more to the story of how their traveling is going, and some struggles and stuff.

They continue to travel, eating from packs of food the couple had prepared in case of emergency. The gang eventually reach allied grounds and they rejoice, but then a nearby nzi camp here them and they run for it (again) and they cross a field where allies and nzis are fighting. one of the children or yn gets shot and the others cross. the soldiers on both sides realize there were countryhumans there, and so the germans fought to recapture their prisoners, and the allies fought to retrieve their long lost allies. eventually the allies get to the group, but the injured child/yn is struggling. the injured peron is then taken care of at the camp, and then the group is sent further south into italy, where the injuries can get proper treatment.

Either yn/kid gets better, or dies with their story known throughout the world for the rest of history.


lol, another whole storyline? count me in. see ya soon, everyone.

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