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Since I had already used my insanity card, I really had to twist my words to make it set in for Caster that I was supposedly speaking bullshit.

I really never considered how much [Clear Conscience] would actually hurt, but man, it felt like my skull was going to explode at some points in that conversation.

I really had to work on my quick thinking.

"This guy is either insane or purposefully messing with us. Listen here, shorty. Have some decency, okay? Who would believe such a lie?"

For some reason, it also very much irked me when I was called shorty. It was strange because I hadn't minded up to this point.

"What else did you achieve?"

"Well... I also slaughtered an Awakened swordsman!"

"Really? How did you do that?"

I scoffed and waved my hand.

"Pshh how did I, I stabbed him with his own sword. It was so easy I might even think he let me kill him."

That made it end about the same way it did in the original timeline.

Which is to say, most everyone in the room hated me.

I decided it was time to settle down and spotted a secluded corner of the room.

In that corner, a blonde girl was sitting on a bench. It seemed the other sleepers were avoiding her like the plague, and she seemed to know the reason why.

I was considering getting Cassie's attention until I realized how incredibly strange my attribute was. I don't know what she would think if I got her attention.

I decided to wait until I had a plan of action regarding explaining myself. At that time, Awakened Rock started his speech.

Tuning him out, I thought of attributes again and immediately brought up my runes.

Name: Jesse.

True Name: Lost From Light.

Rank: Dreamer.

Shadow Core: Dormant.

Shadow Fragments: [15/1000].

Memories: [Sabotaged Strength], [Silver Bell], [Puppeteer's Shroud].

Echoes: —

Attributes: [Forethought], [Mark of Divinity], [Child of Shadows], [Helping Hand].

'[Helping Hand]... that is the one I received during the appraisal.'

[Helping Hand] Attribute Description: "Your sincerity broke through the Shadow Realm, allowing Sunless to help you on your journey."

'Well that is not specific at all. But what does that mean? Is he back? But I haven't seen any signs...'

Then I had a thought. Earlier today I had a weird impulse when that guy called me short. Although I really didn't care, a feeling of bitterness still welled up inside my head.

I was onto something.


I walked into my new living space for the foreseeable future.

It was a nice little area, bed, desk, dresser, even my own bathroom.

I sat on the bed and breathed out. It was time.

Positioning a lamp towards me, I turned and looked down at my shadow.

It seemed a bit startled at my sudden acknowledgement of it. What was strange was... it didn't seem gloomy. Instead, it just seemed... sheltered? Like it hadn't seen a day of true violence in its life.

'Man... is that how I used to look? I hope that didn't carry over.'

With a sigh, I sat cross-legged and closed my eyes.

It was strange, trying to find a new part of myself. But when it happened, it felt like my perception had truly been unleashed.

Many forms of varying sizes and pressures on my mind allowed me to sense the areas around me. Using this Shadow Sense, I reached out to my shadow.

Then, I was disoriented.

I had decided to try peering through the shadow as Sunny had. It took me a bit to get used to having two points of view at all, let alone actually perceiving both affluently. However this was Sunny's body, so I managed.

The most important thing for me however, was the next part.

In a simple command, the shadow glided up off the ground, embracing my body.

Instantly, I felt much more powerful than before. As if I could leave a dent in the wall next to me rather than just hurting my hand on it. This was the augmentation.

'I could get used to this.'

I clenched my fist a few more times in satisfaction and reluctantly commanded the shadow down.


Memory: [Puppeteer's Shroud].

Memory Rank: Awakened.

Memory Type: Armor.

Memory Description: [A worm of doubt...]

It seemed they had moved my interview to the next day. Probably because of my sudden name change. What that meant was I had the time to study the Puppeteer's Shroud.

I figured protecting myself would be easier if I knew the more vulnerable sections of the armor.

A shower of white sparks appeared, foretelling the arrival of the fifth tier armor.

A smirk was left on my face at the sight of the sparks.

When it was over, an armor of black leather was situated over my academy clothing. It perfectly fit my body, and no sound was really made from it either when moving.

'Perfect... maybe Noctis would say otherwise though.'

It seemed there was more vulnerability near the legs of the armor, to allow for the flexibility and comfort that leather armor naturally provided.

'Good to know...'

Once again calling on my shadow, it wrapped around the armor around me. Instantly, the black of the armor deepened a few hues.

It felt more menacing and deadly, as if nothing could break through it.

A feeling of deep satisfaction fell over me, layering on top of my own and giving me pause.

'Sunny? Is that you?'

No response came, leaving me in my thoughts.

I was finished with everything I wanted to do for the day, and immediately felt exhausted. I guess I was more tired then I gave myself credit for after the Nightmare.

I fell asleep easily.


The next morning, I went to do the interview. It went about as well as it could.

I probably wasn't going to be considered amazing, but I didn't think I would get last place either. Mostly because I had to tell them how I strangled a Larva with a chain.

I still led with the whole utility aspect spiel however, to allow myself that lower ranking.

It was strange that they were basically ranking people from least to most likely to die, but hey, if that helped more people escape the dream realm.

Once I settled next to Cassie in the cafeteria — doing my best to make sure she didn't notice me — I looked down at my plate with determination.

Gorging on the different delicacies that were available to me, I noticed a large screen lighting up and displaying a list of names. It was titled:

"Sleeper Ranking."

Shadow Slave: Shameless Self InsertWhere stories live. Discover now