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A thirst for freedom.

Hoseok was out again, on the run, tired and exhausted, at the verge of fainting, body aching from intense pain. But he couldn't stop now, he himself knew it. He'd come this far, and this seemed to be the furtherest he had gone in all his escape attempts. And if he tried harder, he was certain he could finally smell his long craving freedom. So off he went, into the woods, sharp thorny sticks poking his bare feet with every step he took.

"Fuck!" The omega cursed, hearing their voices from a distance, his steps were getting slower and he feared they might catch up with him. Taking a bend and changing his route completely, he went on sprinting, completely clueless about the direction he was taking. If he was able to get out of their radar, he could find his mastered route back and make his way to freedom.

Eighteen. Today would be counting the omega's Eighteenth attempt of escaping, Eighteenth time of murdering someone each time of his escape. And if he was lucky enough, now would be his first time of finally smelling freedom.

His hope was short lived when a strong rope dropped from the top of a tree to his neck, strangling him in an instant.

Hoseok gasped for breath, hands attempting to get rid of the rope. It seemed like a failed attempt for his feet were dangling in the air. If a random person was passing by, they would think he was at the middle of committing suicide.

"You're such a pain in the ass kid." The person who'd been griping on the rope from the top of the tree spoke, tying the other end of the rope to a branch, leaving Hoseok's feet still dangling in the air, fighting for breathe.

"Just give up already. I don't know why you keep trying." The man spoke, jumping down. He landed on his two feet, a few feet away from Hoseok. Dusting his clothes, he made his way towards the struggling boy. Voices could be heard from a closer distance now. Any minute from now, the guards would be here to take him back to the "silo" as the so called code name they called it.

A plan suddenly struck in Hoseok's head. They couldn't kill him... right?.. at least not yet, from the very few information he was able to scrape. He was "a special object" those rich fucks were investing a lot on, and his death in the silo would mean the complete downfall of the entire silo.

He needed to act fast now, those men weren't getting any farther. He could literally hear their foot steps now.

He suddenly stopped struggling, hands draping to his sides defeatedly. The man whose back was resting on a tree, glancing at him every few seconds suddenly tensed, rushing to his feet. He hurried to the lifeless looking boy, attempting to take off the rope from his neck.

Feeling the tight knot on his neck loosen to a single knot, Hoseok acted immediately, pulling out his well hidden knife and sliding it across the man's neck. The man screamed, grabbing his neck as he gasped for breath, falling to the ground. Loosening the last knot, Hoseok jumped to his feet, wincing as his feet touched the ground.

He smiled devishly at the man squirming on the floor. "It's satisfying watching you choke on your own blood. I'm not giving up that easily, stupid!!"

Hearing their voices getting closer, he hurried closer to the man, searching his body for anything useful. There was nothing much, except a gun and some old crumbled up cash that had some white and brown powder in it, folded separately. Not sure what it is, he took them with the gun, shoving them into his underwear.

And with that, the crossed over the man sprinting into the direction he'd been heading to.

That was a wrong move, for not a few minutes had he escaped from the man did he run straight into their trap.

"Shit." He cursed, taking a step back. There were nine of them if he counted correctly. There was no way he could beat them all, especially with how hefty and buffy they all looked compared to his lanky petite figure.

But he had vowed not to give up until the last of him, so he was surely going to fight them if he wanted it or not. He had nothing on him except a knife and a gun which he wasn't sure had enough bullets in it.

"Get him!" Their leader commanded, and like fools, they all charged towards him. Hoseok took a few more steps back, almost bursting out laughing when they began colliding into each other, all in an attempt to get a grip of him.

"Dumbasses!!" He yelled, pulling out his gun, sending three careless shots at them.

Surprisingly, three bodies dropped to to the ground Surprising the alive six, who all carefully took a step back, afraid for their own life.

Even Hoseok was surprised. He'd never held a gun before, guess his survival instinct has though him a lot back at the silo.

"Wow! I did that?!" He spoke, his voice sounding more sarcastic than surprised. He looked up at the now speechless six, all looking as scared as ever.

"Who's next?" He spoke cheerfully, blowing on the rim of his gun.

"What are you waiting for?? Return him to the silo!!" Their leader yelled, his voice wavering a little, making it obvious to the rest that he himself was afraid.

Hoseok remained on his feet, despite how badly it ached, waiting for anyone to approach...

No one did.

He scoffed, taking another step back, intentionally creating more space between them. "Y'all cowards scared of a gun?... or is it me you're scared of?"

Honestly he was disappointed in them. This seemed to be the easiest fight he'd had so far. He felt bad for the person that had appointed them to guard the silo. If they were scared of a mere lanky kid like him, what would be their fate against the other captors that were more stronger than him and even seemed to rebel a lot... like his stupid competitive friend... Mako.


I don't know what came over me guys, this is a completely new idea that just popped in my head today!! I have no idea what I'm writing or where this book is leading me to this is my first and only chapter I have written so far, so update would obviously not be frequent. Please bare with me about that. Also, since it's an entirely new book that has just been started, there would be a lot of mistakes or changes/editing as the story goes by.

And obviously, yes, it's a sope book because sope is my otp. Don't worry, I'm writing a junghope book presently, it might take a while to complete tho.

Also, I'm presently on writers block with my other book "arranged or not" That's why I haven't updated till now. But it's remaining just one chapter anyway.

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