16. Nia

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This chapter is not revised so if there is any grammar error please excuse them and do mention it in the comment.

Exams are finally over!

Never have I ever felt exams to be a burden before but right now? I did not need them when my future was at sake.

My future boyfriend is with somebody else... And I could not do anything.

Well now that it's over I can finally pay attention to them- no, Him.

And the first number that I rang was of Sofia's aka Niko's sister and the total opposite of him.

They are like Uncle Alex and Aunt Ava but siblings version and genders reversed.

But Sofia did not always used to be this cold and distant with everyone. She was actually all smiley like Niko when she was younger. But suddenly one day Uncle Alex was called in the school and when she had returned from school that day, she wasn't the same anymore. She started to distance herself from everyone close. The only ones she is close with are her parents and Niko.
But she no longer opens up about herself with us. Neither did we see her school friends again in their house again too.

Who knows what had happened that day.

"Yes?", Sofia answered,

"Is Niko home?", I asked the first thing without even asking how she's doing. So very rude of me but can't help it this is more prior right now.

"Yes", she answered. Still the woman of few words. I mean she talks but only when needed. She isn't much expressive otherwise.

I thanked her and she cut the call before I could.

I got into the car and asked our driver to go to the nearest best restaurant and then called up Niko.

He answered my phone at once which as usual made my heart flutter.

And this stupid me has been denying this feeling for so long...

"Hello?", Niko asked through the phone.

His voice was enough for the butterflies in my stomach to start preparing for gymnastics for the Olympic.

"You free right now?", I asked my throat suddenly feeling dry.

"Yes... why?", he asked me in return with a an extra slur on the s.

"I wanted to celebrate the end of my exams so I called you up. If you don't mind could you join me?", I asked fidgeting with the hem of my skirt.

"Sure why not", he replied which got me so excited that I almost squealed.

Today's date is to distract him from thinking about Brittany at all and focus only on me.

I took a private dining room in the restaurant as I pulled a few strings in a few minutes.

Perks of being the daughter of a rich CEO that too being the daughter of The Christian Harper.

I kept tapping my foot as each second flew by waiting for him.

After few minutes a waiter brought him inside and a relief washed over me.

He seated himself across me.

I have to admit that he really brings an attractive aura with him. One can not simply look away from him.

He handed me a bouquet of white and red roses which had a card where it was written 'Congrats on achieving your resting days!' ~ Niko.

I laughed at the message written as I took the bouquet from his hand.

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