drunk mistakes-alex

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 i watched the glass bottle spin and land on me, she looked at me with lust and gulped- she started crawling to me getting closer. Each second the closer she got the more intoxicating her perfume got, It felt like I was being suffocated by two big strong arms as she got even closer- whispers echoed in the room I gulped. What did I get myself into?

3 hours earlier..

"Alex!" Nolan shouted from a distance, "Hey man, I haven't seen you since lunch!" he said as he swung his arm to my shoulder pulling me close.

"no shit , we have no lessons together and I skipped the 3rd and 4th period. I couldn't be asked to listen to a pedo for 2 hours straight"I replied.

"y'know what will get you feeling better, Vanessa's party she invited both of us and y'know how her party's are you will be feeling better in no time and maybe you will bring a chick home or a boy" he wiggled his eyebrows

I pushed and walked ahead "I'll think about it" I said.

I reached my 5th period french. great the class i choose not to skip is fucking french. I opened the door, scanned the classroom and sat in a random seat and rested my head on the desk until an annoying tapping noise was made right in my left ear.

"Can I help you?" I asked, Ms whatever her name is, was looking down at me with hatred written all over your face, her bright red lipstick smeared on her teeth, her black glasses almost falling over her face and her ugly mole above her left nostril kind of looked like a booger.she looked hideous.

"Mr..?" she questioned "Alex '' i responded. "very well Alex. we have a seating plan and you're not an exception so please take a seat next to mr smith." she sternly said

"who?" i questioned, she pointed in Nates direction and i mentally cursed fuck. why the hell do i end up being in the same place as this clown everyday?. I got up and dragged my feet next to the seat that she assigned me.

"if you have a sick obsession with me just own up to it so that i'll know to press charges on you with evidence.'' I said as I sat down.

he rolled his eyes and spoke "you're acting like i want to be sitting next to you". " So you do speak, I was convinced I had to pull out my asl '' I scoffed. "har har you're the funniest '' he laughed sarcastically.

"coming from a clown i take that as a compliment" i said with the biggest smirk i've had in a while. he just rolled his eyes and didn't reply. it wasn't the reaction i was looking for but i knew he was a man of limited words.

French was shit. just as i expected- i walked out of french exhausted and ready to go home and sleep until someone had to physically get me out of my room. but my perfect plan just had to be ruined by Nolan begging me to go to the party as soon as he saw me.

"come on mann! just let loose for a little and go to this party you never say no to a party what is stopping you now?!" he whined.

"Nolan, i'm tired and just want to go to sleep a party won't help me get into my bed and have a good night's sleep.'' I replied, trying to get his whiny ass off of me.

"c'mon Rebecca is going to be there and i know you've been setting your eyes on her since last year maybe you can shoot your shot at the party."

I was genuinely sick of his whining so I agreed i really didn't want to hear him trying to make stupid excuses just to go to a party where he would leave me for any girl who spread their legs for him.

"okay i'll go, pick you up at 6:30 pm don't be late or i'm leaving without you." I finally caved in.

I walked out of the school building and entered my car driving off to my house where I would hopefully have a quick nap before the party.

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