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After a couple days and a lot of tests, I was finally ready to leave the Hospital! It was still really hard to walk by myself but Fred stayed with me every step of the way. I don't know what I would do without him. He's really been my hero and my rock through all of this and what is even better is that I get to go home with him too!

"You ready to get out of here Squirt?" Fred said with a smile. "I don't know I got kinda used to it." I chuckled. Fred wrapped his arms around my waist and stared at me. "I'm so happy you are okay Y/N." He said as he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and that was exactly what I needed. In that moment, time stood still. I felt safe.

Fred's Dad and George came and picked us up from the hospital in his flying car. I thought it was really cool! Arthur was telling me all about his job at the Ministry of Magic. I was fascinated as he was telling me all about the muggle artifacts he saw.

We got to the burrow and I was amazed. Fred helped me out of the car and into the burrow. George grabbed my bags and took them to his room. Fred took me up there and I saw two beds exactly the same and a pillow and blanket on the floor. "You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the floor." Fred said as we sat on his bed. "Are you sure Freddie?" I said. "Of course! No problem at all!" Fred said.

I went down to help Molly make food for everyone. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here. It really means a lot to me." I said with a smile. Molly put her hands on my face and smiled sweetly. "Of course my dear! No one deserves to be neglected. You will always have a home here."

It's been a week since I've been with the Weasley's. It feels like this is where I belong. I finally found out about Oliver and him wanting me to keep my memories forgotten. I sent him a letter breaking up with him. I didn't want to hear from him or even think about him. Everything was going great. I was with Fred constantly. We kept playing pranks on Ginny and Ron and even one on Percy. He didn't like it as much. Ginny was happy there was another female in the house. We would give each other makeovers and do each other's hair. Fred even let me put bows in his hair because he felt left out. So this is what a family was. I loved it I never wanted to leave.

It was the middle of the night and I woke up to a strange sound coming from outside. I looked over to see Fred and George still sleeping. I carefully got out of bed and snuck out of the room without waking up the boys. I followed the noise all the way outside when suddenly I see someone dressed in all black approaching. I started walking backwards towards the house. I should've woke up Fred. I'm so scared.

The person dressed in black suddenly grabbed my arm and I finally saw who it was. It was Lucius. How did he find me? I tried to scream for help but no sound came out. I couldn't breathe and I felt a tightness in my chest. I tried to break away from him but his grip just got tighter. "You are coming back with me! How dare you!" He whisper yelled as he spat on me. I bit his hand making him release me and started to run towards the house.

"Why must you always be so difficult? Crucio!" Lucius screams hitting me with his spell. I fell to the ground screaming in pain. The pain felt worse than one thousand white-hot knives, digging into my skin. The pain got to severe, I slipped into unconsciousness.

Fred's POV

I woke up suddenly to a loud scream. I looked and saw Y/N wasn't in her bed. I quickly ran towards the screams but suddenly they stopped. I ran outside to see Y/N being taken away. "Hey! What do you think you are doing?" I screamed. I didn't know what to do but I had to do something. "Taking her home where she belongs. You would be wise to leave her be." The strange man said. "You can't just take her! She needs to be here!" I yelled as I grabbed a rock and threw it at him. He Apparated away. I lost her again.

I screamed in anger and my mother came running out. "Goodness Gracious! What on Earth is going on out here?" she said as she walked up to me. There were tears in my eyes. "They took her mom. I couldn't do anything they took her back." My mom immediately gave me a hug. "Honey, we can't keep her here if her parents don't want her to be. You go back to school in a few months. You can see her then. But until then you can write to her."

I wiped my eyes not wanting to cry. "But that's not fair! They don't deserve her! She needs to be safe!" I screamed. Mom petted my hair. "I know darling. We will talk to your father about it in the morning and see if there is anything we can do." I nodded and headed inside. I went up to my room and looked at the empty bed. I can't believe I let her go again! I crawled into my old bed that she was using. It smelt like her. I cuddled the pillow hoping that one day it will be her.

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