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When they returned to Hogwarts, events seemed to take over. First they had to read about the escape of five dangerous inmates of Azkaban in the Daily Prophet. All Death Eaters. Those news caused the members of Dumbledore's Army to train even more often.

"Kinda weird," Katie murmured, cocking her head after watching Fred press a quick kiss onto y/n's lips. Olivia nodded. "On the one hand, it makes so much sense."

"On the other hand, you're just waiting for one of them to explode again," Angelina said. Maggie grinned. "I think they're doing other things now than arguing."

"Oh trust me, we're still fighting," y/n chimed in now. Fred nodded. "That's right, almost always actually."

"I told you, strange," Katie murmured again. Maggy shook her head and came closer to y/n. "You definitely won't argue about... you know."

Y/n didn't know whether to laugh or not. Fred seemed less concerned. He just laughed out loud. "But we also argued, while we did that."

"Fred!", y/n punched him. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed accusingly at Maggy. "She wanted to know."

"But we don't," George said, looking a little disgusted.

But suddenly a violent vibration of the whole room interrupted the fun conversation. Maggy had clung to y/n in terror. "What was that?"

Y/n looked for Harry, Hermione or Ron, maybe one of them knew what that meant. But they also looked confused and worried.

Another bang. Sounded like an explosion. What was going on here? Olivia, who had been looking around, pointed to the wall where the door to the Room of Requirement always formed. "That's where it comes from."

Nigel now walked towards the wall, Harry followed him. "There's a hole."

As Nigel looked through the broken wall, a nervous murmur went through the room. Suddenly a voice came from outside. "I'll make this quick. Bombarda Maxima."

Harry grabbed Nigel and pulled him away from the wall. Just in time. The next moment the wall exploded with a shattering bang. Without hesitation, Fred threw himself protectively over Maggy and y/n. When they then got away from each other again, coughing, everything around them was in ruins.

"Are you okay?", Fred then asked, looking first at y/n, then at Maggy. He then ran to George, but he was fine too. Luckily no one had been injured. Whether that was good or bad, y/n was still unsure about it. Because now Umbridge came storming over the rubble. Behind her is the Inquisitorial Squad, together with Filch. Of course it had been them

But then y/n paused. "Cho?"

"She betrayed us!", Ginny shouted. But they didn't have time to spend much time dealing with it. Umbridge now spoke up. "Detention! Everyone! For the rest of the school year."

Maggy, who still held onto y/n, whimpered. Now Olivia also came to them. "This is not good."

"How right you are," Umbridge said, looking at Olivia with an evil smile. "You will all regret not following my rules."

And the woman made her threat become true. Y/n had no problem with the detention. Sure, the cuts got deeper over time, but it was bearable. It was worse to see the others suffer. Maggy was constantly crying, the twins were laughing much less than usual and Olivia was also unusually discouraged.

Whenever they left the Great Hall after detention, Cho would stand there, trying to apologize.

"Hey," when y/n couldn't take it anymore, she walked towards Cho. Actually, Dumbledore's Army had made a silent agreement to be angry with the girl. But y/n was sure that Umbridge must have put a lot of pressure on her.

"Hi," Cho seemed more than relieved that y/n had spoken to her and smiled. But her face quickly turned to stone again. Maggy and Olivia now had joined them, and Maggy's face was completely red and swollen from crying.

"This isn't your fault," Olivia quickly said to Cho. She seemed to have figured out the situation immediately.

"Umbridge might have found out anyways, she already had her suspicions," y/n nodded. Maggy sniffled. "It's just a shame that Dumbledore is gone now."

"Maggy!", Olivia said sternly, then patted Cho on the shoulder. "Like I said, not your fault."

"I'm sorry," Cho said anyway. Y/n sighed. Of course Cho messed up. But y/n also understood that the girl hadn't wanted to mess with Umbridge. "Well, it's not like she cut off our hands."

"Y/n!", Olivia now snapped at her other friend. Then she grabbed Cho. "Come on, let's go to the common room."

So y/n took Maggy's uninjured hand and they followed Olivia and Cho. On the way to Ravenclaw Tower they passed a few Gryffindor's. The Weasleys, the girls, Harry and Hermione. When he saw Cho, Harry immediately walked away.

Angelina now came towards them. "Why do you have her with you?"

"Why not? It's our business," Olivia said calmly. Because the Gryffindors didn't look like they were in a particularly gracious mood, y/n repeated what she had said to Cho earlier. "Umbridge might would have found out about it anyway."

Now Fred came up to y/n and grabbed her injured hand. "Do you feel that? It's her fault."

Y/n pulled her hand away and shook her head. Then she looked at the others. "You don't know what Umbridge did to find out."

"Y/n, this is silly. She betrayed us and that's it," George said now. Fred nodded. "He's right. Y/n you're naive and Cho is a fake snake."

Y/n looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Maybe you're a little heartless."

"Heartless? Why do you want to forgive Cho?", Fred asked. She shook her head angrily. "I don't want to forgive. But why do you like to hate so much?"

Now Fred stepped a little closer to her and lowered his voice. "Y/n don't let yourself be fooled like that. If your parents would show up again, would you also forgive them, if they would give you a little apology?"

Bam. Before he had had any chance to react, her flat hand landed in the middle of his cheek. The others, engrossed in their own discussions, now all looked at them. Speechless, Fred touched his cheek, which was now slowly but surely turning red. Startled, y/n first looked at him, then at her hand. "I'm sorry..."

"You hit me," he breathed out in shook. Y/n swallowed. "You were talking about my parents."

"You're crazy," he said, stepping away from her. He was serious. This wasn't a joke. He was really hurt and she understood why. So she didn't even try to stop him as he walked off with the other Gryffindors.

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