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Asmodeus sighed, he already felt bone tired but knew he had to get to the meeting "Bloody Snape" He muttered, using the closest shadow to him, he shadowed into the room as Voldemort cast the Cruciatus curse again. $stop cursing him already, he won't be able to tell us anything if you continue, never mind the fact that you'll faint from magical exhaustion if you continue and I have no wish to hear that Tantrum$ Asmodeus said drily as he walked towards his chair, thank Merlin he didn't care about his posture, he was too tired to sit regally like the person next to him. $Stop making sense$ Voldemort hissed as he ended the curse, hating to admit his partner had a point, he could feel the exhaustion creeping up on him. "Severus, care to tell us why you were high tailing it back to Hogwarts, please make it good, me and Lord Voldemort are in no mood for your antics today" Asmodeus drawled, "I saw one of my students my Lord, I was going back to Hogwarts to check as she had been sick the past couple of days and she couldn't be at two places at once" Severus said quickly.

"Simple, the one at Hogwarts is a golem, both her and miss Bulstrode are on a mission for me that required them out of school without anyone noticing, they'll be back Monday morning in time for breakfast" Asmodeus said, taking vindictive pleasure at the shock and unease he could see in the potion Master's eyes. "Yes, I have my class into your snakes Severus, if only I could manage to do the same to you and not have to worry about how quickly Dumbledore will declaw you" Asmodeus said with a smirk, "You can talk about your student minions later asmodeus, Severus, what was so important that you appeared earlier" Voldemort asked irritated, he was getting bloody tired and wasn't in the mood for those two to bicker. "Dumbledore has discovered new runes added to the wardstone, similar to the ones in hogsmeade, he has talked about getting a team to get rid of the new ones during the break" Severus explained, Voldemort's eye twitched, oh how he wishes to just go to bed now $we can't get everyone up by the holidays, as such you'll have to talk to him$ Voldemort hissed, both of them knew Voldemort would end up cursing the old man within an hour. $alright, I'll have an owl send the request at breakfast tomorrow, that way I can Guage his reaction, if it's favorable we'll go through with it, if it's not, I'm sure I can get Sirius and Remus to brother him enough to distract him$ Asmodeus suggested.

"You know of two of Asmodeus spies, do not betray this information or you will meet an unfortunate end now leave" Voldemort threatened, Severus bowed at the dismissal before quickly leaving "I'll inform the others that if he and the other teachers pay attention to Tracy and Bulstrode then he told, they'll keep watch" Asmodeus said, yawning slightly. "I now need to go kick a bunch of teenagers and an adult out of my room" Asmodeus added with a sigh, "Don't bother, my room has wards that'll keep everyone out, just sleep in my room " Voldemort offered as he got out of his seat.  Asmodeus shadowed the pair into voldemort's room "Dobby" He called tiredly "what can dobby do for the most magnificent and majestic Lord asmodeus" Dobby asked as he popped into the room, Tom chuckled while asmodeus sighed, he just knew this was his daughter's fault.

"Tell Lucius that me and Lord voldemort are not to be bothered for the foreseeable future, and if anyone tries to disturb us within that time, we'll kill immediately" Asmodeus said, dobby nodded and popped away "Good night harry" tom said as he laid under the covers, "goodnight tom" Harry returned before both went out like a light.


Until next time my pups

• Mischief Managed•

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