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Jeon Jungkook.

The boss of the jeon family.

A man that had, sliced his father's throat during a Family meeting, wiped the knife off on a napkin, then sat down to finish cutting his steak with it.

He was a brutal,cold-blooded, maniac.

The word was that the entire jeon Family was vicious and unpredictable.

Anytime my brother, Jin came to Sunday dinners, he was always telling to the cousins about the
Jeons not respecting the kim Family, not paying their dues, not following the rules.

But as far as I could remember, there hadn't ever been any word about Jungkook or his men kidnapping women.

That being said, my brother and the rest of the kim Family tried to keep the women out of the businesses as much as possible so none of us could get in trouble.

A low, pathetic cry escaped me, muffled by the duct tape. 

Frustrated tears burned my eyes.Because there was nothing I could do.I was gagged and bound. There were two of them. And if I knew anything about the men in the mafia, it was that they were always armed.

There was no way out of this for me.

Except, maybe when the van stopped.Maybe I could possibly make a run for it.Dance had at least given me some stamina.

And I somehow doubted these guys were the 'spend endless hours at the gym working on abs' type.

Besides, I wouldn't have to run far. Just far enough to get around people, to get inside a store, or anywhere that someone might help me.

No one was going to stand by and let a bound and gagged woman be dragged off by kidnappers.
People were better than that.

Plan made, I spent the entire ride trying to keep my breathing slow and even,trying not to let my mind run away with me. It wouldn't do me any good to get worked up by the possibilities of what might happen if I didn't get away. It was just going to psych me out, make me second guess my instincts.

It felt like an eternity of bouncing around in the van before it finally pulled to a stop where the engine cut,the music turned off, and the passenger got out.

Just him.

That was good, right?

I had a better chance of evading just him. And the driver would be slow to get out of the car and lead in the chase.

I could actually do this.Taking a deep breath, I let the passenger open the door. I even let him yank me toward it because I didn't want the driver to suspect anything before it actually happened.

The sounds of people met my ear and I felt a flood of relief so strong that I nearly cried out.But then my feet were hitting the ground outside the van.

I guess my kidnapper didn't expect for me to try to run because the hand he had on my arm was weak, easy to break away from. And that was just what I did. I yanked and got away from his grip.

And there were people.

And they saw me.

I even observed wide, surprised, and upset eyes.

But no one helped.

No one helped.

They turned their backs.

They went inside the buildings. 

Heart slamming in my chest, I screamed against the duct tape gag as I ran up to a young guy who was walking trash out.

His body stiffened. 

His hands even started to raise. Until an older man from inside the store rushed out, grabbed
him, and yanked him back inside the store, locking the door.


No no no.

People were good, damnit. 

They didn't stand by while innocent women got chased down by gangsters.

With a sob catching in my throat, I turned to run again.

And ran straight into a brick wall of a person hard enough that it knocked what was left of my breath from me.

A scream rose through me, thinking it was one of my kidnappers.

But when my gaze rose, I realized it was much, much worse than that.

I'd never seen him before. He was attractive by nature. you just knew a boss when you spotted one. They carried themselves differently. Everything about them commanded attention and respect.

This was Jeon Jungkook.

Boss of the Jeon crime family.

I don't know what I expected of him. Bosses came in all shapes and sizes and ages.But from what everyone said about his nature, I guess my mind filled in the gaps to make him short and stout with a receding hairline and evil black eyes.

I was completely wrong on three points and halfway wrong on the fourth.

Jeon Jungkook was tall with a strong, muscular body. He had a full head of black hair and was wearing a black suit with gold necklace.

The eyes, though, that was where I was partially right.

They weren't black, but rather a deep chocolate brown and framed with thick lashes.

But they were evil. Those were evil freaking eyes if I'd ever seen any.

"You see that, love?" he asked as his strong hand grabbed my arm, using his other hand to wave at the street where everyone had disappeared.

"No one cares about you being kidnapped." He added.

민 닐라 ~⁠♡

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