' Malfoys offer '

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"Maybe I am." He whispers in my ear. "W-what." I say, looking back at him. He's blushing like mad, he's also grinning like mad. "You heard me." He whispers.  "Meet me at our spot, 12 am don't be late."

I slowly nod. I'm still in shock. Draco Malfoy still likes me, and he wants to see me tonight. I don't know if I like him back..I mean, he is better looking and all- but no. What am I even thinking. I'm sure he's just lying to prank me or something. Yeah definitely. Although whatever he does he'll never be as good as Fred or George. You know what..when this Is all over, and when it's 8pm, I'll ask Fred and George for a nose bleed nougat or something.

"Yea..okay." I say about a minute later. "Perfect." He giggles a little. He sounds so like..genuine. But who knows. Draco is a pretty good actor. "Ugh can they hurry up, I gotta go to the bathroom." I groan to break the slience. Neville, Ginny and Luna and Ron. look at me and smile. That causes me to smile widely.

Hermione and Harry walk back in laughing. "W-what did you two do to Umbridge!?" Yells Neville and Ron almost at the same time. "We let the centaurs get her. She was being awfully rude to them anyways."

"So..you killed that little son of a b-" I start to say then Draco elbows me. "No. But the centaurs might kill her or something." Says Harry.

"Harry!" I laugh. Hermione jolts her head to the door. Ron then attacks the Slytherin boy holding him, "STUPFEY!" Yells Hermione, the Slytherin boy gets knocked unconscious. Goyle pulls out Lunas wand from his robes, but he's to slow, "STUPFEY!"

Crabbe tries to make a run for it. But then he gets knocked unconscious.

"Shit shit shit!" Yells Draco. His hands still on mine. "Let her go Malfoy! Or you'll end up like your little- or should I say big friends." Smirks Harry. "Look Potter, let me go unharmed and I'll let you have your little friend." Malfoy says. Smirking at me. When Hermione and Harry gave each other a look, malfoy whispers. "Im not gonna do anything. Just trying to not get knocked unconscious here." I nod. "Fine." Hermione says. Lowering her wand as Malfoy does the same.  He let's go of me, and slowly walks out.  "Why would you let that bloody idiot go!" Says Ron. "He had Y/n, that's why." Hermione explains. "Now let's go." Hermione says looking down at the unconscious Slytherins on the ground.

"Thanks, Mione. What would we do without you." I say, she smiles and wraps her arm around me.

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